In the first posting I sent about this, which was accidentally erased, I suggested a continuous line , like this:

(click on it to enlarge)
This was how I did it on one of my sails, see JRA Newsletter 26, p.15. All my other junksails have been fitted with batten pockets.
Keep batten - from old rope
Another method is to tie a rope from luff to leech and let that work as the 'keep batten'. The rope could well be a cheap old halyard or sheet. As long as it is thick enough to resist being pulled through the grommets, one can tie the batten to this rope with a separate tie at each grommet. The ties themselves can of course be made of string or from cable ties. In my work as a maintenance engineer, I learned that the black outdoor ties, made by Panduit, would last forever. The white ones were used in-doors.
PS 20170307: Now I have fixed the diagram a bit...