Peter, going back to your question of keep battens...
Issue 71, June '16, Paul Fay of Ti Gitu wrote about doing away with his keep battens and finding that no problems resulted. Battens are bolted to the webbing at each end, and the eyelets are every 12" with a single lashing. Done good for 14 years which is what i want to hear as I quite like the idea of lashing for our conversion to 50+ square metre junk sloop on ANNIE. While cable ties sound like a quick job, they don't really do it for me aesthetically, and I'm a sucker for a bit of sailorising now and then...
p.s. great article about epoxy. Will be in touch about Biosolv. Any thinner/cleaner that doesnt make my skin want to stand on end must be a Good Thing! Years of carefree use of gum turps and pine tar caught up on me.