Interpreting NMEA Data
Interpreting NMEA data
$PAMTS… is a depth sentence – not relevant for us but on by
($P indicates proprietary code).
$YX indicates “Transducer”
$YXXDR(T).. gives Airmar sensor board temp and voltage which
should not be enabled by default.
$YXXDR(B)… gives vessel attitude and is on by default
$IIMWV… is the LCJ Capteurs CV7 “wind” sentence. II stands for integrated instrumentation, MWV for acoustic wind sensor. The format is as follows:-
1) is the wind direction in degrees, (318.0)
2) R = relative or apparent wind,
3) wind speed, (014.8)
4) N = knots, it can be K/M/N (Kilometres/hr, M/s, knots)
5) A indicates the CV7 status, “A” is a correct measure,V is an incorrect measure,
6) 3D is a checksum.
$WIXDR… is the “Wind temperature” sentence from the CV7 sensor. The format is:-
1) “017.0” is the temperature with one decimal place,
2) C = the temperature scale (Centigrade),
3) 54 is a checksum.
$VMNLA… gives Nautical Leeway angle
$VWVHW… gives Speed through water VW indicates “Velocity sensor, speed log, water, mechanical
$GP…. Indicates GPS data.
$GPVWR gives Relative wind speed and angle. The format is:-
1) Wind direction magnitude in degrees
2) Wind direction Left/Right of Bow
3) Speed
4) N = Knots
5) Speed
6) M = metres/sec
7) Speed
8) K = Kilometres/hr
9) Checksum
$GPMWV gives Wind speed and angle, the details are as for $IIMWV above
$GPVHW gives Water speed and heading. The format is:-
1) heading in degrees True
2) T = True
3) Heading in degrees Magnetic
4) M = Magnetic
5) speed (4.79) in knots,
6) N = knots
7) Speed relative to water in Kilometers/hr,
8) K = kilometres,
9) checksum.
Here is a sample output from the multiplexer:-
$GPVWR,42.00,L,14.80,N,7.61,M,27.41,K*7B GPS or MX wind sentence
$GPMWV,318.00,R,14.80,N,A*1D GPS wind speed and angle
$IIMWV,318.0,R,014.8,N,A*3A Wind sentence
$WIXDR,C,017.0,C,,*54 Wind or air temperature
$GPVHW,,,,,4.79,N,8.87,K*56 GPS water speed & heading
$GPVLW,32.75,N,22.15,N,*71 GPS log distance
$VMVHW,,,,,4.79,N,8.86,K*5B Water speed sentence
$VMNLA,-1.1,A*1A Leeway sentence
Some standard GPS NMEA sentences taken from aprs.gids.nl/nmea/#allgp:
Can use NavMonPc advanced routing to select which NMEA messages are used, but need to have sensors and Mux running and outputting NMEA sentences so that they can be “collected”. (See p44 -48 of NavMonPc user manual).