Formed in 1979 at the Southampton Boat Show by a group of junk rig enthusiasts, the JRA (Junk Rig Association) is for its members and about their boats and their rigs. We aim to: promote the use of the junk rig by encouraging members to organise 'rallies' and 'junkets' (see About Us) and via our tri-annual Magazine and this site; encourage the development of junk and related rigs, the building or conversion of boats to the junk rig, and the use of vessels with the rig or its derivatives; create an international community of people who've already 'junked' their boat, are thinking of doing so, or are just interested in learning what it's all about.
We were formed in the UK, and although our 'office' address and banking remains in the UK we are run by an increasingly international Committee via the Internet. A number of posts become vacant every year, at the AGM, so if you choose to join you could also put your name forward to help run the 'club'. It doesn't run itself. Our membership is now more than 50% outside the UK. Click the chart for detail.
You will find people here eager to learn about your boat - whether it's junk-rigged or not (yet). If you're planning to beg, borrow, build or buy one, we've hundreds of pages of current and archived information and photographs, plus members worldwide to help you achieve your goal.
This page and those on the left, show some of the things we do and offer. There are many more pages for paid-up, logged-in members, including junk knowledge archives, public domain information, example sail plans, junks old and new, plus up-to-date links to external sites featuring suppliers, designers, DIY sites, blogs, etc. Members also have access to the following:
Want to learn how modern junk sails work? There's no better way than using our online 'dating service'. Members can register their interest in offering familiarisation sails in junk-rigged boats, and can find or become crew - a great reason to join the JRA.
Apart from our members and the junkets ('get-togethers') they organise, the JRA Magazine forms the core of our existence, just as our regular Newsletters did back in 1979. Through its pages and this website, novices, seasoned cruising folk, pioneers of rig design, builders, lone circumnavigators and cruising couples can make friends and exchange information, ideas and hard-won junk and voyaging knowledge. Members can purchase back issues where still available, or download them free of charge - a gold mine for anyone interested in sailing, building or owning a junk rigged vessel.
To download a sample free pdf (22MB) click on Magazine 67. Our latest magazine cover can be seen at the top of this page.
Since 2013 our sailing get-togethers ('rallies' or 'junkets') have been organised by members rather than 'officially' by the JRA. They aim to give
members and
non-members the chance to experience junk-rigged boats, to discuss sail design and construction, to swap information, and to recount their experiences. Successful events have been held at various venues in the
Norway (above)
, New Zealand and in the
USA, i.e.
wherever and whenever junk rig sailors decide to meet up. Sometimes they happen in one place (e.g. Plymouth, UK) and sometimes they roll from port to port with members joining in when and where they can. Dates of current members' events can be found here in the Join In! section.
For a quick look at current thinking and developments, our former Chairman David Tyler's presentation - created as a talk-along 'slide show' for yacht clubs - is a great place to start. Watch it on YouTube ('pages' turn themselves), or download as a pdf.
Check out our three part video Introduction to the Junk Rig.
The posts on the home page are read-only feeds from our General and Technical fora. As a member you will be able to participate in the sometimes lively debates in these fora. They are a great place to ask questions and receive invaluable information from experienced junk sailors. Other fora include:
- Cruising and Rallies
- Buy, Sell & Swap (noticeboard)
- The 'Yacht Club Bar'
- Wingsails
- Members Projects
- Website Projects
Other features for member include:
- online documents archive
- members' pdf letters and articles
- searchable membership and boat directories
- maps showing current locations of members' boats (add yours)
- books to download, borrow or buy
- a 'Junk Shop' (sweat shirts, tee-shirts, burgees etc)
- fact sheets (on sails, rigging, masts...)
- a worldwide membership list enabling members to find each other
- ...and more!
Click 'Join up' (left). Membership levels differ only in how the magazines are delivered, i.e. printed, by post (£26 Sterling per annum) or downloaded by you as PDFs (£7 per annum). You can renew your membership or upgrade online.