I need some help.
After enjoying all the things that my current boat and junk rig do better than my previous boat, I have now found one case where the South Coast 23 with a full keel and Bermudian Mast Head rig was more pleasant.
With the jib backwinded, the main sheeted all the way in, and the tiller pushed all the way to leeward the SC23 would heave-to beautifully. The boat would stop and sit there, balanced by the wind, drifting just enough so that the uncomfortable motion from the waves disappeared. It was like magic. It was almost silent.
A couple of days ago I tried to get my junk rigged S2 6.7 to slowly forereach for a few hours while I got some rest. I had the sheet let out some and the tiller fixed slightly to leeward. The actual course and speed were more or less what I intended. The boat would round up slightly, lose drive from the sail, fall back off the wind, and then do it all over again. I think I did the maneuver correctly.
But the noise!
Something, somewhere, in the rig creaks and groans when the sail swings back and forth. I think it is the tack parrel and/or the yard hauling parrel that squeak and creak and groan as they slide around the mast.
The battens bonking against the mast were also very loud and chaotic.
Both of these noises were happening the whole time, as the sail continually oscillated between being powered up and luffing. The sound was much louder down below with the entire hull vibrating. I could not really get any rest.
I hope I can improve this behavior. I would appreciate hearing any advice anyone may have.