Bamboo and Aluminium Battens

  • 30 Oct 2012 20:17
    Reply # 1118935 on 1109969
    Gary King wrote:Ullrich here supplies a fraction of the tube shown on their NZ website, they appear to be for the scaffolding business only. The main supplier in Aus is Onesteel.
    All their smaller dia tube is T5, and larger stuff is T6. (The yield strength of T5 is about half that of T6.) Don't see any T8 in the link.

    Gary your link is to the commercial stuff, if you look at the structural you'll see smaller T6. They have 38.09 x 2.03 T6. I'm wondering if that would be strong enough?

  • 22 Oct 2012 07:05
    Reply # 1110147 on 1109869
    Paul Thompson wrote:Gary, ask your supplier, if you can get T8/Hard drawn tube in NZ, I find it hard to believe that you cannot get it in OZ. Ullrich is the supplier in NZ and they have an office in Brisbane:

    20 Ron Boyle Crescent, Carole Park, QLD4300 PO Box 246, Carole Park, QLD4300

    Branch Manager: Shane Rothero +61 (7) 3718 1400 +61 (7) 3271 1230

    I've emailed them Paul.
  • 22 Oct 2012 01:56
    Reply # 1109969 on 912308
    Deleted user
    Ullrich here supplies a fraction of the tube shown on their NZ website, they appear to be for the scaffolding business only. The main supplier in Aus is Onesteel.
    All their smaller dia tube is T5, and larger stuff is T6. (The yield strength of T5 is about half that of T6.) Don't see any T8 in the link.
    Last modified: 22 Oct 2012 01:57 | Deleted user
  • 21 Oct 2012 22:21
    Reply # 1109869 on 912308
    Gary, ask your supplier, if you can get T8/Hard drawn tube in NZ, I find it hard to believe that you cannot get it in OZ. Ullrich is the supplier in NZ and they have an office in Brisbane:

    20 Ron Boyle Crescent, Carole Park, QLD4300 PO Box 246, Carole Park, QLD4300

    Branch Manager: Shane Rothero +61 (7) 3718 1400 +61 (7) 3271 1230

  • 21 Oct 2012 21:48
    Reply # 1109850 on 912308
    There is a place in Brisbane where I can get T5. I'll chase up some prices. I figured I'd use Arne's method of attaching the sail and lines to them.

  • 21 Oct 2012 21:27
    Reply # 1109842 on 912308
    Remembering that Annie's battens, though they are 38mm dia, are in the stronger T8 temper, which is hard to get in Australia; and remembering that my 38mm Australian battens, in T5 temper, bent if I sneezed too hard on them, I'm inclined to suggest that if you can only get T5 temper, you should go for 45mm dia, 50mm being a little too big for Redwing.
  • 21 Oct 2012 20:37
    Reply # 1109806 on 912308
    Thank you Paul, 38mm x 1.5mm it is then.
  • 21 Oct 2012 19:33
    Reply # 1109792 on 912308
    Gary, I think 50mm tube is probably over kill for your boat. I think 38mm x 1.5 would be fine and it will fit your webbing straps etc. So it'd be lighter and less work for you. Cheaper also...

    Annie's Fantail has 38mm battens and they have not given trouble.
  • 21 Oct 2012 12:06
    Reply # 1109641 on 912308
    I moved all my battens out side a few days ago and we've had 36 c degree days. The result is most of the battens have split. Given that I don't have any spares I figure I shall replace them with 50mm diameter alloy tube instead. So much for Phyllastachys aurea as battens.
  • 08 May 2012 12:38
    Reply # 914636 on 912308
    I think  given the closeness of my planned launch date I reckon if they get a sand and a few coats of clear finish they will be doing well. I am looking forward to seeing with my own eyes how it holds up.
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