Hmm, let's see. Here's the rudder again:

As you can see, there's significant angle aft and even more above the waterline. Here's a better picture of this, let's call it A:

The rudder axle is in a very comfortable position in relation to the solar panel arc, on which I would install the wind vane (like it once was).
But if should make a trim tab along this yellow axle, the "trim tab tiller" would be about 35cm (10cm gap + 25cm) long to reach the point of the rudder axle. Sounds too much to me, for the horizontal David Tyler -style wind vane to be able to move the tiller enough.
Let's see picture B:

This way the trim tab would sit on a different angle than the trailing edge of the rudder. However, the "trim tab tiller" length would be reduced to 25cm to reach the tiller axle.
Any ideas on how to proceed, please?
(The yellowish dust you see on the transom and rudder is birch pollen. Today was the worst pollen-day ever. Not a good day to paint the mast... but then again the weather has been changing between rain, rain and cold with little dry days. So I had to paint the mast today. Well, my sail is yellow, so the microscopic yellow dots don't matter that much :D )