Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and loads of sailing adventures in 2017!
Last year this time I had halfhearted intentions of looking for work. Instead of doing that I decided to pack it in for good and to pursue my sailing life. I now find myself in New Zealand designing sails for my dinky tiny winy boat - LWL 14"! Blissful existence...
With a friend's help and following Practical Junk Rig instructions we gave it our best shot in designing the sails for her.
Being a novice to this it is hardly surprising that I would be most grateful for help, advice, comments in finalising her sail design.
Here is the boat spec, the sail we designed and some pictures:
Here are my requirements:
Not surprisingly because of her size I intend to do NZ coastal sailing (challenging enough!). I really like Roger Taylor's design for Mingming II.
I am not that strong or too young, so a light and simple rig is a must.
Ideally I would like battens not to exceed the cabin top - so that they are not above my head. I am 1.5m tall but the cockpit / foot well is very shallow.
We experimented with 3m long battens / 90cm wide panels but settled for 280 x 80cm.
The line in the centre of the hull is Centre of Lateral Resistance / CEO is marked with the cross.
She is a classic boat with a heavy led keel and to my surprise it seems that I might not even need to move the mast positioning!
Eagerly and gratefully awaiting your input and response.
Linda Crew-Gee