New split rig for "China Girl"

  • 11 Oct 2016 22:46
    Reply # 4301084 on 4301065
    Deleted user
    Slieve McGalliard wrote:in practice the leech of the jibs will end up more like the arc of a circle as the cloth equalizes the tension. 


    That's something I've considered for a while - one solution I thought about was a line between each batten at the leech of the jiblets, supporting a square-mesh net attached to the leech, as below, to retain the shape. Would this be workable? And useful?


    Last modified: 04 Nov 2016 13:11 | Deleted user
  • 11 Oct 2016 22:31
    Reply # 4301065 on 4293731

    Wow! Great animation Chris. I can almost see the wind blowing round the rig. 

    The jib shapes show the shape of the patterns, as if they were cut out of tin, but in practice the leech of the jibs will end up more like the arc of a circle as the cloth equalizes the tension. It would be interesting to see what they would look like in practice in a 360° shot. It make me wonder if we could get away with increasing the camber without increasing the sheeting angle.

    Very interesting. Thanks, Chris.

    Cheers, Slieve.

  • 11 Oct 2016 21:16
    Reply # 4300927 on 4300483
    Deleted user
    David Tyler wrote: I want to see a virtual Chris trimming and easing the sheets...

    Sadly, virtual Chris failed the audition...

  • 11 Oct 2016 17:56
    Reply # 4300483 on 4299282
    Annie Hill wrote:

    Now you're just showing off, Chris!

    But he's only halfway there! I want to see a virtual Chris trimming and easing the sheets, as the virtual sail goes in and out and the virtual boat tacks and gybes.
  • 11 Oct 2016 17:41
    Reply # 4300459 on 4298801
    Deleted user
    Chris Gallienne wrote:

    All angles is below:

    I have also sent you the DelftShip file so you can have a play with it. You'll need the latest version of DelftShip - 8.09 v. 297.

    Note: the panel camber still needs some refining on this model - it is unfinished.


    Thanks Chris.

    It looks even better in Delftship!

    Regards Tim

    Last modified: 11 Oct 2016 17:41 | Deleted user
  • 10 Oct 2016 20:43
    Reply # 4299282 on 4293731

    Now you're just showing off, Chris!

  • 10 Oct 2016 14:32
    Reply # 4298801 on 4293731
    Deleted user

    All angles is below:

    I have also sent you the DelftShip file so you can have a play with it. You'll need the latest version of DelftShip - 8.09 v. 297.

    Note: the panel camber still needs some refining on this model - it is unfinished.


    Last modified: 04 Nov 2016 13:20 | Deleted user
  • 10 Oct 2016 14:12
    Reply # 4298755 on 4298640
    Deleted user
    Chris Gallienne wrote:

    Hi Tim

    No reason why not.

    Do you men for this particular sail, or for anything? (DelftShip is usually used to design the hull rather than the rig).



    I was thinking of being able to inspect, in Delftship, your illustration, if that is at all possible, but, essentially the sail is of more interest.  My brain has difficulty imagining it from all angles!  Other CAD formats would not be a problem.

    Anything appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Regards Tim

  • 10 Oct 2016 12:11
    Reply # 4298640 on 4293731
    Deleted user

    Hi Tim

    No reason why not.

    Do you men for this particular sail, or for anything? (DelftShip is usually used to design the hull rather than the rig).


  • 10 Oct 2016 11:28
    Reply # 4298583 on 4293731
    Deleted user

    Hi Chris,

    thanks for sharing your sail design thoughts, with which we wish you well.

    Is it possible, I know it's a bit of a cheek, to have a look at a sample Delftship file?

    Regards Tim

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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