sheet to tiller steering

  • 07 Jun 2016 02:29
    Reply # 4060483 on 4008903
    Deleted user
    Robert Leask wroteI think the solution will involve a luff hauling parrel and possibly a euphroe, to gain more steering power. 
    I've been thinking a lot about sheet to tiller although I'm away from the boat for six months, and realize made a newbie junkie mistake, I said "luff hauling parrel" when I meant "running tack parrel". The purpose would be to vary the counterbalance of the foresail, it might be possible to steer quite precisely that way. Also upon further thought I realize that euphroes would not do what I have in mind, a Pilmer style sheeting arrangement would probably serve the purpose by reducing friction and increasing steering power.
  • 09 May 2016 20:27
    Reply # 4010409 on 4008095
    Deleted user

    Thanks, Annie. The boat is looking great with the new red sails, and it pains me to have to leave for six months. And thanks also for your concern about Fort McMurray. I worked there, and was actually on my way there when the disaster happened. I'm a little surprised that it has made the news on the other side of the planet.

    BTW, your project is also looking great. Going to be a very fine little ship.

    Last modified: 09 May 2016 20:29 | Deleted user
  • 08 May 2016 21:50
    Reply # 4008930 on 4008095
    Hey Robert - she's looking great.  You must be thrilled with her appearance and I hope the rig works out for you.She'll certainly turn heads.

    I see you're from Edmonton - I hope you keep well away from those terrible fires that are burning in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

  • 08 May 2016 20:36
    Reply # 4008903 on 4008095
    Deleted user

    Hello Peter

    I just had a brief trial of my new 3 masted junk rig, it's probably similar. I also hope to get sheet to tiller working, but it will involve some changes to the way it's currently set up. One problem is that there is too much counterbalance and I doubt there would be enough load on the foresail sheet to do the job, especially in light winds. The other problem would be too much friction in the sheet. I will be experimenting more when I get back aboard later this year, but at this point I think the solution will involve a luff hauling parrel and possibly a euphroe, to gain more steering power. I feel it's well worth the effort to make it work.

  • 07 May 2016 17:59
    Reply # 4008112 on 4008095


    To begin with, see this thread.


  • 07 May 2016 17:25
    Message # 4008095
    Deleted user

    has any one had any experience of setting up sheet to tiller steering on a junk schooner

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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