A SibLing with coachroof and keel, no bilgeboards

  • 08 Aug 2021 23:02
    Reply # 10890189 on 10182961
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What about making the sail? That is a fine indoor project.


  • 08 Aug 2021 12:55
    Reply # 10878188 on 10804968
    Thank you both! It will take until spring before I can put up the bulkheads as I cannot use the shed over the winter. So I'm not going to make that much progress over the next months.
  • 08 Aug 2021 05:31
    Reply # 10869865 on 10182961

    Gosh, it's good to sit back and watch someone else get on with the work!  The best of luck with SibLing, Frank. (FanShi says that to be SibLim No 2, she has to have bilgeboards and a flush cabin!)  I shall be following your blog.

  • 05 Aug 2021 21:18
    Reply # 10804968 on 10182961
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Good on you Frank. I do like the SibLim type of hull, and its construction, and I, for one, will follow your progress with interest. I am looking forward to seeing the next exciting moment when the bulkheads are set up. It looks as though you have a pretty good workshop.

    I enjoyed looking at your blog. Thanks for posting, and please keep it going.

    Last modified: 05 Aug 2021 21:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 02 Aug 2021 19:22
    Reply # 10789847 on 10710433
    Anonymous wrote:

    I started building a SibLing. Or is it SibLim Number 2?

    Right now I'm building the stations and I will keep you updated when I have my blog ready in a few weeks.

    As promised here is my blog:


    Last modified: 02 Aug 2021 19:23 | Anonymous member
  • 29 Jun 2021 11:35
    Reply # 10710433 on 10182961

    I started building a SibLing. Or is it SibLim Number 2?

    Right now I'm building the stations and I will keep you updated when I have my blog ready in a few weeks.

  • 08 Apr 2021 09:03
    Reply # 10286440 on 10218087
    Anonymous wrote:
    Paul wrote:

    ...off topic but,

    there’s a new fix for us junkies on Annie’s 


    Thanks for the tip, Paul, that was great reading. To better follow Annie's movements up along  the coast, I opened Google Map in another window. Recommended.

    Definitely, Arne! And another 2 hours spent on the other side of the world, "sailing" on my computer (best I can do for the moment :( ).
    Lucky Annie, and well deserved rewards!
  • 20 Mar 2021 18:03
    Reply # 10218087 on 10215584
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Paul wrote:

    ...off topic but,

    there’s a new fix for us junkies on Annie’s 


    Thanks for the tip, Paul, that was great reading. To better follow Annie's movements up along  the coast, I opened Google Map in another window. Recommended.

  • 19 Mar 2021 23:07
    Reply # 10215584 on 10182961

    ...off topic but,

    there’s a new fix for us junkies on Annie’s 


  • 17 Mar 2021 07:58
    Reply # 10205599 on 10205048
    Annie wrote:
    Scott wrote:

    I like FanShi's companionway. 

    I like the companionway, too, and with an extra foot of height, there should be no difficulty getting in and out.  The folded perspex not only makes a good table, but an excellent wind-proof, water resistant spot for chart or cruising guide and a safe place for spectacles and binoculars.  The upper surface provides a nice, horizontal shelf for drinks or snacks.  And when closed, it doesn't block out the light, making everything gloomy.  Wind and rain can come from astern, as well as from ahead!

    Actually, at NZD52,000 in the water, I'm not sure how much money you are going to be able to save.  This is the cost of the materials, consumables hardware and keel.  It doesn't include rent or tools.

    It's true that with a bifold washboard (of which only the upper part really needs to be clear, for light and a view astern), I could get a companionway vertical height of up to 120 cm without eating into the deck; but then a clear dome and/or pramhood would have to be added for sheltered watchkeeping, which adds back in some complexity and expense. KISS. With the arrangement I've drawn, the headroom is more like 125cm, and I wouldn't want less than that if I were 6ft/183cm tall. Anyway, "different folks, different strokes", as somebody once said.

    The second point is certainly valid. There are two reasons to build this boat, I think: 1) to take on the challenge of creating something satisfying and beautiful out of a pile of raw materials, and 2) because only this boat, and no other, will tick all the items on one's wishlist. If one simply requires a good JR boat, without getting too fussy about the details, then it's always going to cost less to convert and renovate an old production GRP boat than to build from scratch.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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