Professional versus amateur sailmaking
Paul and David
I can see the point in making use of proper western sailmaking methods when one is to sell sails. The eyes of the buyers have been trained to assess the work on western sails, and my amateur methods would for sure look poor compared to these sails. With ample room for proper sailmaking, and with the skills developed by doing things over and over, it can be done without adding too many man-hours of work.
I have never aimed on telling sailmakers how to do their job. My ‘calling’ has been to encourage amateurs and, above all, first-timers to make their own sails, since there is no (legal) homework which pays better, and since most professional sailmakers will screw up.
And mind you; my sails even hold up quite well.
Look at Malena’s (nylon) sail, built in ’94, here in her final season, in 2010. It was a test sail, never expected to last. Still, not a stitch was repaired on that sail, neither along the batten pockets (Amateur method A), nor along the rope type boltrope. On the photos, the bleached pattern on the sail shows where the sail has been most exposed to the sun. That sail never saw a sail cover, and for the last ten years, the sail bundle was not even tied up in harbour, so at the ends of the bundle, the sail was quite free to move in the wind.
To me it is quite certain that the holes in the upper panels stem mainly from sun exposure, as the white patches had become quite stiff and paper-like.
I therefore claim that the sails made with my ‘primitive’ amateur methods , i.e. without patches, tablings and metal grommets, will both last and perform just as well as sails made by using professional western methods.
The critical factor when it comes to performance, is the amount of and shape of the camber.
The professionally made sails will, as said, sell better, but that is another story.
The canvas used is not critical and may well be just half as heavy as for a western sail. One must just make sure that the boltrope around the sail is properly stiff and strong (either made from rope or webbing). The boltrope is a critical part of the integrity of a cambered panel JR.