Firstly, many thanks for everyone's comments and feedback! It is all very helpful.
Graeme Kenyon wrote:
I loved the youtube clips you have done, especially the mini-junket with Emmelene and Amiina ( )
Many thanks! I hope to make more once when I have more time on the water.
Here are some thoughts straight off the top of my (somewhat aged and feeble) head, on your flotation proposal, maybe a bit ignorant but then again, maybe will provoke further discussion:
The idea of gutting the boat, and lining it with foam, surfacing the foam and then re-assembling seems a huge undertaking especially for someone who is not 100% well, for the only immediate benefit that I can see, of improved insulation.
The boat does not need gutting to achieve this. The surfaces I intend to line and the volume I intend to fill are laid out in section 4.2 of the plan, with drawings, measurements, and photographs. Nothing needs to be disassembled. This is partly because Tammy Norie is already quite spartan, and has been without any kind of lining since 2015.
As you point out yourself, the best you get from that if you ever sink at sea, will be a nearly submerged boat which will be impossible to pump out and probably not much more visible to a rescue party than you would be just floating in a life jacket. Personally (and I am currently in a similar position, with just a tiny boat to cruise in at present, and nowhere near as fit and agile as I used to be) I would rather spend the time enjoyably sailing, and just try to avoid sinking at sea.
Ah, perhaps I need to spell out my overall goals. This is part of my campaign to sail in the Jester Challenge and cross the Atlantic. I'm planning for the situation where there's no rescue party for many many days, if at all, and where I need to recover the boat as far as possible myself with no rescue party. This is described (too briefly) in plan.unsinkability.req.haven.
The biggest danger to your life is probably driving your car to the boat and back, perhaps putting your trust in an airbag, which – I’ll come to that later.
I do not drive! Even if I did, it would be a few minutes compared to many weeks on the ocean.
You can survive at sea in a partially submerged boat – the amazing story of the Rose Noelle in which 4 men survived 119 days at sea in a capsized trimaran is an example – but the hulk was floating sufficiently high that, even upside-down, it provided a habitable haven in which the men could survive. A monohull awash, barely floating and quite possibly upside down or impossibly cranky would be next to useless I think, and if it did not float upright then you would not be able to cling to it for long.
I thnk this is a very useful part of the discussion. My friend Aaron also asked me about the recovery scenario. I do think this needs elaborating. In short: she should not be barely floating, or upside-down. And in any case she should be a better place to be than a liferaft.
Unless you are prepared to convert some of your interior accommodation into major buoyancy chambers (such as sealing off the forepeak and afterpeak behind watertight bulkheads) I doubt if your little boat awash would be much use as a life raft.
My plan is to distribute foam over a great many of the surfaces of the boat, with significant amounts of flotation (possibly foam or airtight containers) in the cockpit coamings, which are approximately 10% of the total planned buoyancy each (take a look at the dimensions table). In addition, there's a great deal of available volume aft. Forward is another matter, though. On Mingming and Mingming II, Roger Taylor did sacrifice forward space for a buoyancy chamber.
... My (shamefully vast) experience in capsizing dinghies tells me that the really useful bouyancy is high up, under the deck, if you want the flooded boat to remain upright and have a chance of providing a survival haven, or bailing out. Its not just a matter of floatation volume, its where its placed that matters.
This is very useful. A lot of the volume I intend to "fill" is high up in the interior and in the coamings, and nearly all of it is above the waterline. But I think it would be a good idea to model the distribution better. I'll think about how to do that.
So, my thoughts are, if you don’t want water-tight fore and aft bulkheads, you might consider a horizontal bulkhead at the level of the bunk tops and sacrifice that beneath-bunk stowage space instead.
Isn't this the opposite of keeping the buoyancy high up? Or am I misunderstanding you?
Your proposed floatation test should not be for the purpose of seeing if the boat will float – you can calculate that – but it might be a good idea for the purpose of seeing which way up it floats and how stable it is in that attitude. My guess is that in practice, it still won’t be a practical liferaft.
Well put! That, and the recovery scenario, are what the test should be for, if I ever get to do it. I do think it would be fun if it can be arranged.
A quick fix is what you want, so you can spend your time sailing instead of a whole summer working on the interior of your boat.
A quick fix is not what I want. And it's a winter project!
I wonder if it would be possible to dismantle the airbags out of a car from the wreckers yard.
You've reminded me of a proposal someone else made, to inflate air bags using a fire extinguisher. I found out somewhere that this has been tried, and it's not bad, but you have to have some special arrangement to stop everything freezing. I should find it and write it up.