Horsed sheets

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  • 16 Dec 2011 07:44
    Reply # 775029 on 773708

    May I suggest you use the KISS system to start with and fit a single sheeting point at the appropriate position for the sail to be central, and attach the sheet to it with a stout snap shackle. That should cover general handling. If you might want to sheet to windward then fit two more sheeting points where the ends of a sheet horse/ track would be, or even right out on the gunwale and then on a long tack you could slacken the sheet and transfer the sheet to the appropriate point.  This would have the advantage of reducing the tension on the sheet and rig when maintaining a long tack, but not require the expense of fitting a largely redundant track.

    I often wonder if the practice of fitting a track is a ploy to make more profit for the installer whether it is really necessary or not. The cost/ precentage gain is questionable so why not KISS.

    Cheers, Slieve.

    Last modified: 16 Dec 2011 10:05 | Anonymous member
  • 16 Dec 2011 04:18
    Reply # 774923 on 773708
    Deleted user
    So they are installed by some.
    I might leave the decision till after launch & sailing around a bit, see if we need it, the (simple) hardware costs an arm & a leg..
  • 15 Dec 2011 11:31
    Reply # 774007 on 773708
    Deleted user
    Ying Zhou has these on both sails, part of the original equipment.  Pete Hill said he never used them, and I have only toyed with them so far.  In the condition I bought the boat the sheets and blocks have a great tendency to twist up and jam, making normal sheeting in and out difficult, so finessing with a traveller has not been a real option so far.  As part of my refit over the winter I will need to replace all the ropes and blocks on the boat, so may have more knowledge after that.
  • 15 Dec 2011 10:11
    Reply # 773974 on 773708
    Yes, on the fore and main sail sheets.  They came with the boat.  The main sail sheet track is mounted on the pushpit rail.  I do pull them up to windward to get the boom on the centrline if I am to be on a long tack eg for some hours.  However, I have no idea if they make any difference, but I suppose that they make me feel that I have done all that I can.   jds
  • 15 Dec 2011 02:52
    Message # 773708
    Deleted user
    Does anyone have their sheet anchored to a traveller?
    PJR's opinion on them isnt great, but on a bermudan I'd have trouble going to windward without one.
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