Galion 22 conversion

  • 09 Mar 2020 06:06
    Reply # 8809800 on 5070195

    Point taken, thanks!

  • 08 Mar 2020 20:56
    Reply # 8809255 on 5070195
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What twist?

    I don't think there is any twist in my sail (with 2-part sheeting) and one of the things I rejoiced in when making the Amiina-type SJR was that the jibs (and mains) are all identical. Nice and simple. There might be some point in sequentially reducing camber, perhaps - though everything comes at a cost - but I would never have thought of reducing sheeting angle.

    Another thing, if you reduce the sheeting angle of the upper jibs, how are you going to reduce the sheeting angle of their associated main panels? I must be missing something here.

    Last modified: 08 Mar 2020 21:02 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 08 Mar 2020 19:09
    Reply # 8809143 on 5070195

    33% of the sail done - two lowest mains and jiblets of the SJR that is!

    Suddenly a thought came to my mind: why would one not reduce the sheeting angle gradually to counter the twist? 

  • 06 Mar 2020 09:57
    Reply # 8800518 on 8795952
    I am envious of your sewing ability.

    but what I've learned so far (with this one being my third junk sail) is that the difficult work happens before the sewing. It includes the sailplan and especially the magic of turning the 2D cloth into a cambered 3D sail.

    And fortunately this mastery has been done for the rest of us by people like Arne, Slieve, David and others.

    Last modified: 06 Mar 2020 10:38 | Anonymous member
  • 04 Mar 2020 21:30
    Reply # 8795952 on 5070195

    The sail looks really sharp, Jami. I am envious of your sewing ability.

    I expect a yellow sail will provide good visibility during the day and at night.

    Last modified: 04 Mar 2020 21:31 | Anonymous member
  • 25 Feb 2020 20:00
    Reply # 8769925 on 5070195

    Moving on nicely. The first jiblet and main soon made, and I’ll be able to slide them to batten tubes and check everything is as it should.

    I’m using 45 deg shelf foot method for both the jiblets and the mains. I’ll also continue with the hinge method, like I did on my previous sails. Despite the work, I like the modular sail for several reasons.

    11% camber and 12% sheeting angle for the jiblets, 8% camber for the mains. These are for the lowest 2-3 panels and will be less after that.

    1 file
  • 13 Feb 2020 20:26
    Reply # 8745709 on 5070195

    I'm sure you'll do a great job, Jami and I'm looking forward to seeing photos of the sail up and your boat underway.

    There are lots of reasons to like coloured sails, but I'm with you about their being more visible.  White sails on white boats get lost among the white caps.  (And one thing I find utterly bewildering is people who equip their boats with white life rings!) Of course, we all have different prefences about colours, but I love yellow for its sunny connotations.  I used it inside Missee Lee and the interior always seems so welcoming.  Hmmm.  Maybe I should give Fanshi yellow cushions!

    Anyway, happy sewing.  You'll be ready to sail as soon as the weather permits.

  • 13 Feb 2020 10:08
    Reply # 8744563 on 5070195

    Thanks all,

    yellow was chosen for the first junk sail for my Galion 22 because of a wish by my youngest daughter. But there was also the practical reason of great visibility for a small boat in gray contidions and sometimes busy boat/ship traffic.

    However, the colour had a strong psychological, somewhat unexplainable and heart-warming effect on me as well, when I saw the sail live on my boat. Together with my unalome sail insignia, it soon became a must on the new sail, too.

    The insignia is black, thus the black sail catcher/cover - which also benefits from the warming (and drying) effect of the dark colour. The plan is to eventually change the colour of the boat from dark blue to black. 

    PS. I've cut the first jiblet!

    Last modified: 13 Feb 2020 11:26 | Anonymous member
  • 12 Feb 2020 10:51
    Reply # 8742148 on 5070195

    More than two Coromandels, I have one.  I have not suffered from weather helm with the flat sail, in fact I would say she is well balanced.  That said she is a bit stern heavy...the cockpit pools to the rear, the awful drains are to the front.  With your wide buoyant stern and fine bow, you will have to keep the weight back. 

    Love the yellow sail, you will have many admirers!

    ps, I once had a red tint in my glasses, everything was rosy.

  • 12 Feb 2020 09:47
    Reply # 8742045 on 5070195
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Interesting, David.
    I remember an interview with the builder of the grp Nordic Folkboat (‘Folkebådcentralen’). The FB is often fitted with a cockpit tent for use in harbour. The maker refused to make that of any other colour than orange. He described what a gloomy atmosphere the blue or grey cockpit tent would create inside, compared to when sitting in a ‘joyful orange atmosphere’.

    I am less convinced that the colour of the sail has quite as much to say, since outdoors, the surroundings will dominate the view.

    For my own part I never wear sunglasses, as they do me nothing good. Maybe we should try a pair of orange ‘sunglasses’ for use on rainy days?


    PS: Jami, I am sure you will be fine. You have already made two junksails, so you are almost a pro, now

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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