Hi David and Arne,
Thnks for your prompt responses. Your suggestion to remain with the sail areas as drawn by Nick got me thinkng and looking again at the much-reduced (in scale) sailplan which I have available to me, and which I am using as a rough guide (I have seen the full-size drawings, but they are not as yet available to me all the time). It seems that as well as the design peculiarities I mentioned in my post yesterday, having taken a ruler to the drawing, he has also drawn the sails slightly tapering from the boom upwards, the main boom being about 50cm longer than the top battens / yard. Therefore, given this and the fact the masts have been bought to the vertical, if I draw sails to the standard PJR pattern, or to Arne's, with luffs and leeches parallel, the gap between the sails may increase sufficiently without having to fiddle with Nick's sail areas or increase the balance too much. The mizzen as drawn has an AR of 2.4 against the main's 2.2, so making the mizzen 2.2 should help as well, abeit bringing the CE upwards a tad. In answer to your question about the lead - as drawn by Nick, the lead is around 9%, which is slightly abaft that for the gaff cutter rig.
I note your advice to camber the sails by about 8-10%, which I will look at as well - I would be inclined to cut the mizzen flatter, especially as you suggest that the main might do more of the work!
I very much like Roger Taylor's "hinged" sail, although I seem to have lost the article from one of the yachtie magazines about it, which I kept. Is Roger a member?
I will definitely open a new thread for the boat - although at the moment the name is remaining under wraps (I know what it's going to be, I just don't want to jinx things by announcing it before the boat is 100% mine). I'd love to hear from Annie if she has experience of sailing a junk Wylo - Nick tells me that there have only been a couple built so there's not a huge amount of experience to harvest.
Arne, thanks for the advice re the rudder. This hull already has a rudder built and hung, so I'd be reluctant to start experimenting at this stage. As designed the Wylo has a certain amount of balance to the rudder (I can't recall exactly how much).
I look forward to picking your collective brains further as the project progresses.