The more this subject is discussed and theorized the more confusion seems to be generated.
Oscar is sort of on the right track in his conclusions, and I think what he is trying to say is correct, but Oscar has made a couple of statements which add to the confusion and I think need to be corrected. Oscar wrote: If de-powering the sail is done only ever before entering harbour and starting the engine, then I guess it's not a huge concern to not be able to completely weathercock the sail but if you were to sail engineless you will need to be able to de-power the sails completely in most situations.
At all times (except, of course, in a flat calm) the sail must weathercock when the sheets are let fly. If it does not, then the rig is hopelessly unmanageable and possibly dangerous.
This ability to “weathercock” is affected by (among other things) the amount of “balance”.
The JRA definition of “balance” is out of date because when applied to the split rig it is ambiguous.
To clarify: The axis of rotation of the sail is assumed to be the centre line of the mast (and as it happens, in a “conventional” SJR or "split junk rig", the mast is assumed to be vertical and the luff of the “main” panels is assumed to be on that line.)
The area of all that part of the sail in front of that axis of rotation (including the area of the slot) is expressed as a percentage of the total sail area (including the area of the slot.)
In other words, the calculation is done in the normal way except that when we talk about “sail area” we must be sure to understand that the slot is included as part of the area of the sail.
As long as this convention is followed, then comparisons are valid and we all mean the same thing when we use that pesky term “balance.”
…one could argue that you could make it work to have a 50% balance split sail, as long as you only have 5% etc etc… Just forget about that, Oscar, maybe you are right, but it is confusing. Lets just keep it simple.
Most people can calculate the area of the parallelogram panels without too much difficulty but the fanned upper panel (or panels) becomes a complicating factor and therefore most people use a short cut when doing this calculation, and simply base the calculation on the lower parallelogram panels. If the shape of the sail is fairly simple, then all that is necessary is to find the ratio of that part of the chord which is in front of the axis, to the total chord. This might not be 100% accurate, but the error is conservative – the balance calculated simply on the basis of chord length will be a slightly on the high side because of the lower-balanced upper panels being ignored. In other words, the true figure will be slightly less than calculated by the chord method, so any error is conservative, or “safe.”
Split junk rigs with a balance of 33% - 35% calculated simply by considering the chord of the regular-shaped lower panels have been found to weathercock satisfactorily when sheets are let fly and at this point in the development of the rig, this might perhaps be regarded as about the limit of what is practical. We can take 33% as a safe “rule of thumb” for a conventionally shaped and normally cut split junk sail. Slieve is comfortable with up to 35%. Others taker a more conservative approach and there is nothing wrong with being on the safe side. I found 33% to be fine - Dave Z seems to have pushed it closer to 35% and found it OK, but as he explains, the chord calculation he used means his actual balance may be a little less than calculated. Personally, I would take 33 - 35% based on chord as a limit, not a target.
(Of course, anyone experimenting with extreme amounts of camber, or unusual sheeting angles, or sail shapes which are far away from what is conventional, or non-vertical mast-rake etc will be aware that this 33% rule of thumb for split junks may need to be re-assessed.)
Other factors which may affect the sail’s ability to weathercock (though none have been reported as far as I know) could include excess friction in the sheeting system, and binding of the sail due to insufficient halyard span or insufficient span for running parrel/downhauls. An aft-raking mast wouldn't help things either, though I am sure no junkie will be doing that.
The above remarks apply to the split junk rig. I am not sure why the balance of non-split or “contiguous” junk sails seems to be limited to 20% or less – whether the issue is weathercocking, or simply the windward performance of the sail, or difficulties in getting it to set properly, I do not know. I am sure someone else can clarify that.
Problem is then how you would properly establish the CE/CP in order to get the correct lead (another fuzzy concept) for the rig. There is nothing difficult or “fuzzy” about this, other than the need to realise that there is no such thing as an actual centre of effort or centre of pressure. The so-called CoE is a purely geometric measure which is static and not real, but is a useful substitute and is conventionally used to help decide where the sail should be placed. It is calculated in the normal geometric way, the slot being considered part of the sail. With a conventional, simply-shaped SJR sail, it is near enough to simply use the mid-point of the chord. There is no point in being paranoid about accuracy here – the actual centre of effort is a moving target – the geometric centre is merely a useful convention. Slieve has suggested that with a SJR conversion it is sufficient to align the geometric centre of the sail (approximately the chord mid-point) with the so-called centre of effort of the original bermudan rig. That makes sense, and it worked for me. Again, this assumes conventional shapes and cut. A severely hooking leech, for example, will move the actual centre aft of where it should be. This placement of the sail may not apply to a contiguous (un-split) sail, I do not know about that, and would prefer to follow Arne's recommendations in that case.
I'm considering converting my current boat to split junk due to the split (or aero) allowing the most balance and thus the best mast position without having to make considerable modifications to the interior. From some quick sketches I would need something around 33-35% (including the slot).
Now, that makes sense and I think you are on the right track. Assuming you are converting from bermudan rig to any of the well-proven junk variants, I am sure you will be delighted with the result, best wishes.
PS Without wanting to add to the confusion, but for the sake of completeness, people with conventional contiguous junk sails have reported that a forward-raking mast is desirable, among other reasons because when sailing off the wind in light airs the sail has a tendency to "sleep" in the sheeted out position - a kind of built-in "weathercocking" tendency. A small disadvantage of the SJR rig is that, so far at least, they have all been designed around an assumed vertical mast, for obvious reasons of simplicity - so with the split rig we don't get that extra, little benefit.