The BR and sails have been sold, so no turning back now :)
I've been trying to balance with the SA and mast position (which seems to have only two possible places becaus of the structure of the boat).
The new draft has a SA of 15m2 compared to the 13,1m2 of the BR. I've used Arne's Johanna-style sail with a AR of 2.10. This makes the boom length of about 3000mm, which is nice, because the aluminium tubes available are 6000mm and the sailcloth width is 1700mm. The mast would be something round 6100-6200mm (EDIT: from top to the deck level!).
Any caveats or design flaws you can spot, please?
Draft#2 can be seen here.
The grey dot is the estimated center of effort of the BR. Arne's sail drawing is missing the central of effort, but I think it's right under the SA of the text "Total SA=...".