Oops! My sail turned out to be an experimental one.
I'm building my own (well, I at least I haven't seen one done this way) hybrid. The sail shape is dowscaled version of Arne's Johanna type sail, AR 2.15.
However, I'm not sewing batten panels, but using a kind of hinge system - but unlike Roger Taylor, I have cut the panels using Arne's camber system (Roger Taylor used straight panels and made the camber using hinges of different lenths). In my sail the hinges are different in many ways.
More on this later, if the sail turns out to look like a working one...
One panel done, six to go!
The cloth, 92g/m2 ripstop polyester recommended by David Tyler, is very easy to work with and seems like a good compromise between strentgth and lightness.