SibLim update

  • 19 Jan 2021 08:48
    Reply # 9876580 on 4315719

    Oh my, what a wonderful set of photos, Roger! If two of them don't go on the cover and as a centrefold pinup of the next JRA magazine, I'll be very surprised. Very useful too - I'm glad to see on FS51.JPG that FanShi is floating pretty much on her marks. 

  • 19 Jan 2021 08:38
    Reply # 9876576 on 9876450
    Anonymous wrote:

    Apologies for the delayed photographs. Fan Shi is truly a work of art and skims along very nicely in those light conditions. What a festival of sails and colour on the Saturday. Congratulations to both Annie and David, Fan Shi looks like she was never not in the water; a little home, very much at home on the sea! 

    Excellent photographs Roger!

    Looks like a bit of a 'Junk Armada' invading the Whangarei River.

  • 19 Jan 2021 05:51
    Reply # 9876450 on 4315719

    Apologies for the delayed photographs. Fan Shi is truly a work of art and skims along very nicely in those light conditions. What a festival of sails and colour on the Saturday. Congratulations to both Annie and David, Fan Shi looks like she was never not in the water; a little home, very much at home on the sea! 

    20 files
  • 17 Jan 2021 16:18
    Reply # 9870767 on 4315719
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    First of all, congratulations to both you, Annie, and to David Tyler. It must have been a big relief for you to see that Fanshi turned out to float on her lines, neither being nose- nor tail-heavy. That would have worried me sick if I were the designer.

    As for the lee helm, I admit that I only occasionally hit perfect balance (a hint of weather helm) on my boats. However, steering is normally tolerable, or I can shift the sail a bit this or that way to get it right. After having tried three junkrigs (in 4 modes) on my Malena, I learned that it was not just to put the geometrical CE on the right place. The sort of camber and the position of it moved the centre of pressure, CP, back and forth, even if Malena’s sails were of the same profile and sitting in the same position:

    • ·         With the first flat sail, the balance was just about right (..but lousy performance...).
    • ·         With the same sail with hinged battens and the max camber in the middle of the sail, there was a notable (but not severe) increase in weather helm.
    • ·         With the blue cambered panel sail (1994), there was some lee helm. By both adjusting the mast rake (maybe moving the top 20cm aft) and shifting the sail a bit aft on the mast, the balance became right. This sail had the max camber about 35% from the luff.

    It looks to me as if ‘Fanshi’s sail only has camber in the front section, and then combined with a hinge in the battens, right? The combination of these two features could possibly move the CP quite far forward.
    I wonder; is the same lee helm experienced on the port tack?

    Obviously, the simplest remedy is to shift the sail further aft on the mast, and see what happens. If there had been a Fanshi 2 only two months away from launching, I would have suggested that the sail was build with all-cambered panels and with the max-camber point at the middle of the sail. A little late now for that...


    Last modified: 18 Jan 2021 16:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 17 Jan 2021 08:37
    Reply # 9870262 on 4315719

    Thank you one and all.  My ambition for some time has been to be in an anchorage out of Internet range  - and now I am.  Be careful what you wish for. I'm struggling to download the photos and videos that people are sending me.  And I won't be blogging here.

    Thank you so much, Graeme, for all you have posted - even if I can't see them at present.  it's great that others are sharing this moment.

    The wee ship seems to tick nearly all the boxes.  She did seem to have significant lee helm,  even when the wind finally increased, but I can try moving the sail aft: at present it is almost exactly as designed.  And if all else fails, I can add 30 cm to the leech, which should solve the problem (battens can always be lengthened!).

    For the moment I am relaxing, being completelwiped out by my efforts to get the boat in the water and ready to sail away.

    More anon and thank you all again.



  • 16 Jan 2021 23:48
    Reply # 9869892 on 4315719

    Every time Fanshi sails into an anchorage, she is going to cause a sensation.  She is one of those boats that one never forgets, that triggers some deep, inner longing, that makes you feel, if you just had a boat like that, you could step through a magical doorway into a life of exotic adventure.  Over the last 50+ years, I can count on my fingers the number of boats that have stirred me in this way.  Congratulations, Annie, for following your vision and building a boat that expresses your essence so uniquely.  And congratulations to David Tyler for his excellent design - floating right on her marks!

  • 16 Jan 2021 22:50
    Reply # 9869792 on 4315719

    What a beautiful looking boat!!!

    I tell ya, this sight is just packed with hard working intelligent people! What a thing it is!

    Damn that boat goes! Smooth as butter!


  • 16 Jan 2021 21:01
    Reply # 9869657 on 9867882
    Anonymous wrote:

    Congratulations David, upon the success of your design. If I were 20 years younger, I might order a set of plans. Thank you Graeme, for the YT clips and above all, I doff my cap respectfully to her builder. What an amazing achievement!

    As would I. 
  • 16 Jan 2021 19:23
    Reply # 9869478 on 4315719
    Deleted user

    Annie, Congratulations, I can only imagine the joy.


  • 16 Jan 2021 18:43
    Reply # 9869304 on 4315719
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Shemaya: Yes, FanShi does seem to be sailing exceptionally fast, possibly enhanced by the moving platform. But it was exciting. She was sailing very well.

    Zane: It was just a good puff for a few seconds, I don't know the windspeed as it was varying (later on, on the way to Parua Bay, the breeze dropped right off). I have quite a lot of raw footage in the form of 20 sec cell-phone shots, including some good shots of Freebie on the way back to Norsand (click the link). But I haven't learned how to edit. I'm glad you chimed in - got a job for you!

    David: As designer you can be more than chuffed. Considering the design, construction method, size, versatility etc for living aboard, coastal cruising and with offshore potential and sheer practicality, FanShi must eventually find her place as one of the classics, and not just because Annie is (now even more deservedly) famous.

    Asmat: I doff my cap too - and wish too I were 20 years younger. Here's another short clip while waiting for Marcus to turn up this morning.  (Sadly, Marcus's shed, where FanShi was built, has to be pulled down, starting this morning. (But its going to be resurrected on a new site!)) Another Short Clip.

    FanShi first junket:

    On the way to Parua Bay. That's Rob and Maren's new boat Hihi on the right.

    Junket headquarters and host ship: Le Carnard Bleu (thanks Paul)

    Shirley sailing into Parua Bay - FanShi is the little dot on the far right....

    while Alan and Marcus carry out the serious business of evaluating the Chateau Zebedee 2020.  (For wine-loving afficionadoes, never mind about the "nose" and all the other jargon. Alan's brutal analysis is simple and to the point:  "If you drink ENOUGH of it, it WILL get you!")

    Last modified: 03 Feb 2021 09:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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