SibLim update

  • 02 Apr 2020 21:25
    Reply # 8875588 on 4315719

    So I hear, David.  However,  the laptop I just broke was a relative cheapie, although still a lot of money in my  book.  It had insufficient memory capacity even to update itself and the battery started to give out after a year.  I'm told that even a $500 machine is considered "cheap" and a second-hand one will almost certainly have a defunct battery.  I'm fed up of buying expensive items that only last a few years and then malfunction especially as I have no way of recycling these electronics, which now pile up like last year's leaves, because I can't bear to send them to landfill.   Shirley has given me a little old tablet she had and I can do most things on that.  One thing I cannot do without the ability to swop from screen to screen,  is the copy editing and proofreading for the magazine.  Well, with 850+other members, many of whom are twiddling their thumbs in lockdown, I'm sure someone will be capable of and prepared to take over one or both of those tasks.  In many ways it would be a relief to get rid of another expensive, electricity-greedy device.  Certainly I can't even think of buying something until the financial sitation settles down again!!

    However, the little tablet should be easier for updating my blog!

  • 31 Mar 2020 09:18
    Reply # 8869163 on 4315719
    Deleted user

    Hi Annie, I read today that online computer sales are an accepted essential service, cos people need to have access to technology. So if you want to I imagine you can probably purchase a new laptop online from any of our major technology stores. David

  • 31 Mar 2020 07:41
    Reply # 8869070 on 4315719

    Thank you, my friends.  I can't help thinking that I'm spectacularly fortunate in being able to carry on with something that is constructive, absorbing and time consuming , while we are all in lockdown and worrying about what the world will be like in time to come. 

    I am endeavouring to come to terms with the camera on my phone, while duplicating the photos with my camera, which is much more wide angle. They say it's good to learn new things!

    What a wonderful place is the JRA website.  It's good to be in a different world for a while.

  • 29 Mar 2020 21:21
    Reply # 8865685 on 4315719

    Thank you Annie,

    These photo's do the job. I find it very encouraging to see people go on working and work getting done. So many things have come to a halt that seeing someone carry on however trivial the job may seem to some is a relief.  Your boards look great Annie!


  • 29 Mar 2020 13:03
    Reply # 8865120 on 4315719

    Keep it up Annie, nice work, thank you . keep well  :-) 

  • 29 Mar 2020 08:18
    Reply # 8864958 on 4315719

    I think the key to getting through this situation we find ourselves in, with well-being intact, is to have something to work at, something to achieve, something to employ the brain, and building a boat will do nicely.

    Camera phone or not, those bilgeboards are looking mighty fine. Keep going, Annie!

  • 29 Mar 2020 05:30
    Reply # 8864839 on 4315719

    Haha!  Reimbursement tab - the joys of predictive text.  It should have read "trim" tab.

    Thank, you, David.  I have to say that I do feel we are better off in NZ than in many other places.  You take care, too: lie low and makes plans.  One day ...

    I have managed to post a wee blog.   I reckon I need a bigger screen.  (Or new eyes!)

  • 29 Mar 2020 02:01
    Reply # 8864609 on 4315719
    Deleted user

    1' Welcome back!

    2' what's a reimbursement tab?  A typo?

    3' my Badger still lies a freezing' in VT and I am stuck in Rhode Island.

    4' Stay well Annie, you are in a good place right now.

  • 28 Mar 2020 23:48
    Reply # 8864553 on 4315719

    With absolutely incredible timing, I managed to crack the screen on my laptop the other day.  (Don't ask: it was one of those freak accidents that are sent by a malevolent spirit to make bad worse.)  I usually write several emails every day, work on articles for the JRA magazine a couple of days every week and, of course, write up my blog every 3 weeks or so.  Shirley writes her blog on her phone, and I might post something; however, I take my photographs with a camera, having an apparently-incomprehensible preference for using a viewfinder rather than waving the device around and pointing it in vaguely the right direction.  So the pics aren't in my phone and my phone is anyway a cheapie with very limited memory

    I have a notice up asking if anyone has a laptop they can lend me for the duration.  However, thus far none of the score or so of boats here has been able to assist, although two have tried to get ancient machines up and running, bless them.

    So probably no SibLim updates until we Kiwis emerge from our bubbles and I can source a second-hand laptop.

    I have nearly completed both rudders and bilgeboards and the next job is to shape the reimbursement tabs.  after that the rubbing strake - I'm I have enough wood!

    My apologies to all of you who might have been looking forward to a little virtual boatbuilding to help pass the time.  Keep well!

  • 12 Mar 2020 19:43
    Reply # 8823898 on 8809698
    Gary wrote:

    Annie those staunchion bases are not very good. I had big problems with rot under them. Though I think you have dealt with that likelihood efficiently. The triangular base is not particularly strong.

    Two good things about junk rig: you don't often have to go on deck underway and when you do, you can go up the windward side of the deck.  If the base gives way, I'll probably be hanging on to the rope that goes through the stanchions and slide down to leeward still holding tight.  Yup, inexpensive bases - probably strong enough for my 55kg, however. And I don't think I'll be getting rot: they are on their own plinth and the fastenings are set into epoxy.  I filled out drainage holes for them.
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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