SibLim update

  • 15 Jul 2020 10:06
    Reply # 9103446 on 4315719

    Thinking  or sinking is the question !

  • 14 Jul 2020 19:13
    Reply # 9101853 on 9100852
    Anonymous wrote:

    Mark.  This is a JUNK.  You don't need to go on deck and you most certainly don't need to go along the lee deck.  If something has gone wrong and you have to go on deck, why would you walk along the lee side, ducking under the sail?  With a well-cambered deck, when the boat is heeling and you walk along the weather side, the deck is almost horizontal!

    Ok, perhaps just  just have bad memories from dealing with sails on pointy rigs!

  • 14 Jul 2020 09:09
    Reply # 9100856 on 4315719

    Bruno. So lovely to hear from you!  Thank you for your good advice: I shall remember to put a plug in the dinghy and to take it out when I put the dinghy in the davits.  I just hope I remember to out it back in before I launch it! :-D

  • 14 Jul 2020 09:06
    Reply # 9100852 on 4315719

    Mark.  This is a JUNK.  You don't need to go on deck and you most certainly don't need to go along the lee deck.  If something has gone wrong and you have to go on deck, why would you walk along the lee side, ducking under the sail?  With a well-cambered deck, when the boat is heeling and you walk along the weather side, the deck is almost horizontal!

  • 13 Jul 2020 17:05
    Reply # 9099084 on 4315719

    Dorothy:  'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.' 

    Annie: "My guardian angel had obviously been there for me and I went back upstairs, poured myself a stiff drink - and started to shake as the reality of what might have happened, started to sink in. "

    Me: "A good day's work, guardian angel! But please don't relax and lose your concentration now - there's some way still to go".

  • 13 Jul 2020 14:58
    Reply # 9098721 on 4315719

    Good gardian angel, still nice Marcus smile and very very nice job!

    ( Don't forget to keep access to the dinghy drain valve between the davits if you don't want to carry a bathtub!)

    kisses from Lakatao

  • 13 Jul 2020 08:28
    Reply # 9097967 on 4315719

    Phew, you were lucky! That was some wind, you can understand keelboats being knocked off their stands...not everyone ties them down, but lifting a heavy Proust cat whoaa!

    She is really looking amazing, your work is outstanding, I wish I could have such patience.

    One aspect I noted was the very arched deck, looks pretty, gives good headroom,  but does it not make working from the lee deck rather precarious?

  • 12 Jul 2020 23:12
    Reply # 9097216 on 4315719
    Deleted user

    Annie I was just on your blog looking for info on Labrador no less and saw you uploaded a new edition!

    Nice work, that wrap around text problem seems gone now.

    Glad you are OK from that tornado.

    My, what progress on the build.


    Many details taking shape quickly now!

  • 12 Jul 2020 22:23
    Reply # 9097178 on 4315719

    Oops! I spent hours yesterday updating my blog, (sorry, I can't make the link work on my phone) and then forgot to post about it here!

  • 02 Jul 2020 03:21
    Reply # 9073184 on 4315719
    One of the reasons I want a vertical vane is that I have sailed with both.  When the sheets tangled the vertical vane, attached to a trim tab, the vane would spin round and the sheets slip off.  With a horizontal vane, they stayed tangled.  It is worth running a line from the weight to the base to discourage the sheets from tangling in the first place.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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