We all know that there is no such thing as negative pressure. Zero pressure is vacuum.
However, in normal life we can still use the term suction as long as we know it is just a pressure drop from the atmospheric pressure. If the atmospheric pressure is p, then the suction would be Δp with a negative value, never bigger than p..
A good vacuum cleaner can produce a suction of -300hPa (=Millibar); if connected to a glass bottle, it will reduce the pressure in it with almost one third of the atmospheric pressure.
The suction we have on the leeside of a sail in a normal breeze is no more than one hPa, except, maybe in small areas of the sail.
This good-bad tack discussion and separation bubble has become of new interest to me. I have recently made a number of vortex generators which I want to try on a couple of panels on Ingeborg’s sail. The idea is to increase the stall angle. However, I am unsure of where to put them - very close to the leading edge, or a couple of feet aft, that is, away from the separation bubble. Sooo, I guess that is another major thread drift. If I go ahead with it, I will start another topic.