Thanks, Annie, for the link. It was rather like finding a long lost family album to pour over. I lived with those drawings for 12 years. As it is, it would be difficult to build one without lines drawings and tables of offsets.
I will of course assume they are copyright protected. If I find my set I will see that Bill Dixon gets them or a digitized copy. Then he can sell them to whomever wants them and everybody will be satisfied.
I met Bill Dixon at his office in 1999, with Robin Blain, who had kindly put me up for a week. He remembered clearly packing my drawings for mailing to Canada. When they arrived, I laid the package on my living room coffee table and stared at it for half an hour before I had the courage to open it up, for fear of the magnitude of the task ahead of me. As it turned out, I had reason to fear.....
Robin and I also visited the Kensington Science museum in London to look at the Maze Collection of junk models. I felt I was on a scared pilgrimage!