SibLim - the setup

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  • 13 Sep 2015 01:20
    Reply # 3522657 on 3521755
    David Thatcher wrote:

    Very exciting to see it happening. The hardest steps of any journey are the first, so you have started now, all you need to do is finish. As per your comment in pic 9, I did notice in all the pics that David is the only one wielding tools, be careful, he may ask for a pay rise soon! You can be sure though that with David on the job everything is going to be marked out with precision and accuracy. I wish you the very best luck with the project and look forward to seeing pics of the ongoing creation.

    I'm hoping he might let me have a play sometime :-)  (But someone has to take the photos!)
  • 13 Sep 2015 01:18
    Reply # 3522656 on 3520754
    Antoine ALLAIN wrote:

    Hi Annie

    I hav'nt been on the forum for a while, and didn't know that Siblim was going to be build. Nice ! What will happen to Fantail ?

    Antoine (WaterBear)

    Ah - the $64,000 question.  Or more accurately, the $25,000 one!  My darling little Fantail will have to find a new owner.  She is fully sorted out and ready to go (in my opinion).  She has been a marvellous floating home for me, sails well and is quite slippery.  If it weren't that I really, really want shoal draught, I doubt I'd have wanted to replace her, she's so cosy and comfortable.  But the SibLim project is soooo exciting and you only live once!

    I am still living on board, although hauled out in the boatyard where we are building SibLim.  I don't want to move off yet, but there is accommodation available for me, so I guess if someone came along waving dollar bills, I'd have to bow to common sense and sell her. 

  • 12 Sep 2015 07:00
    Reply # 3521755 on 3520497
    Deleted user

    Very exciting to see it happening. The hardest steps of any journey are the first, so you have started now, all you need to do is finish. As per your comment in pic 9, I did notice in all the pics that David is the only one wielding tools, be careful, he may ask for a pay rise soon! You can be sure though that with David on the job everything is going to be marked out with precision and accuracy. I wish you the very best luck with the project and look forward to seeing pics of the ongoing creation.

    Last modified: 12 Sep 2015 21:18 | Deleted user
  • 11 Sep 2015 14:43
    Reply # 3520754 on 3520497
    Deleted user

    Hi Annie

    I hav'nt been on the forum for a while, and didn't know that Siblim was going to be build. Nice ! What will happen to Fantail ?

    Antoine (WaterBear)

  • 11 Sep 2015 11:56
    Message # 3520497
    David and I did as much as was required on the model to answer our questions.  Now we are on to the Real Thing.  The first step is to cut out and assemble bulkheads.  We need to build a strongback on which to set these up.  So I am collecting some photos together in an album, which you can find in my profile, here.  It's all very exciting!
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