sail area

  • 09 Feb 2015 09:48
    Reply # 3221105 on 3220568
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    from time to time (quite often, actually) the question of what is the right sail area, has been debated here. Maybe this thread could be of some interest.



  • 09 Feb 2015 05:32
    Reply # 3220906 on 3220568
    If the Oracle is a weed, the Grasshopper is a pansy: 155 cm and 52kg.  I can haul my 29 sq m sail up from the cockpit without my winch.  But only since I fitted roller bearing blocks to the sheet and upper halliard blocks.  Before then I resorted to the winch for the last panel.  I still tend to use the winch when shaking out a reef if it's rough, because I don't have much of a sense of balance.
  • 09 Feb 2015 02:52
    Reply # 3220830 on 3220568

    I can concur with Gary, I raise my main (460 sq.ft.) with a 3 to 1 purchase by hand except for the last 3rd of the last panel. I also sheet it by hand and have never needed a winch for that. The foresail at 240 sq.ft. is a doodle and is no problem at all. Roller bearing blocks in the sheet do help though. I have them in my main but not in the foresail.

    Can't see you needing any winches to handle a Folkboat's sail.

    BTW I'm not particularly big at 1.75M and 65kg. A weed in fact.

    Last modified: 09 Feb 2015 02:53 | Anonymous member
  • 08 Feb 2015 23:34
    Reply # 3220705 on 3220568
    Deleted user

    I raise the main which is 325sqft without winches. Susie can manage the foresail at 258 sqft, so I think you'll be fine. A folkboat doesnt need winches, in fact neither does our 35'er, and fellow Aussie with a 40'er doesn't have them either. Only reason I can think of installing one is to help Susie on the main. cheers

  • 08 Feb 2015 18:45
    Message # 3220568
    Deleted user
    Hello, I have the PJR book, and am in the process of converting my folkboat, which has a displacement of approx 2tonne, and is approx 26 ft long, haslers sail area was approx 240sq ft, but does anybody have practical experience with a slightly larger sail area, gybing, handerling, etc I had a sailplan of roughly 243 sq ft, but with a lower aspect ratio of about 1.8 as opposed to haslers 2.1 I don't wish to start using winches to haul the sail, and as I gave no experience of the junk rig, I am looking for real world experiences of a traditional flat sail up to about 300sq ft. Thanks Roger
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
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