Junkette (?)

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  • 01 Sep 2013 00:57
    Reply # 1378817 on 1366504
    Deleted user
    Thanks for the tip but read my original post. There is really not much practical information from these articles.
    I spend half the day with Daniel of Aletheia and Mike of Terrapin. That was a nice junket (?) and I am getting a better idea of what is needed for my boat. We'll do also some practical demonstrations in the next days to try to determine how close to the spreaders I can go with the yard which is my main concern.
  • 31 Aug 2013 21:08
    Reply # 1378693 on 1366504
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thierry, I suggest you look up Newsletter 17 from 1988, p.22.


  • 31 Aug 2013 12:37
    Reply # 1378471 on 1377618
    Deleted user
    Brian Kerslake wrote:
    Thierry - look in Junk Information > Knowledge Archive - some of Robin's sheets can be downloaded there.

    I searched but couldn't find anything of Robin Blain regarding the junkette.
  • 30 Aug 2013 11:00
    Reply # 1377618 on 1377104
    Deleted user
    Robert Tracy wrote:Theiry , hope I got your name right , Robin Blaine can send you Info sheets for a couple of quid . let us know how u get on  and if you think I can help you I will .cheers .   
    Thierry - look in Junk Information > Knowledge Archive - some of Robin's sheets can be downloaded there.
  • 30 Aug 2013 01:10
    Reply # 1377351 on 1366504
    Deleted user
    Hi Robert

    My idea is to get something similar to this http://www.flickr.com/photos/4thies/6104138048/in/photostream/. You can also picture-google "Bertie chinese gaff" to see more of Bertie.
    I don't think I will have the time to replace my mainsail and do sea trials before leaving for Scotland next year but I might do it once over in Europe.
    I think I'd rather have a high peaked yard to alleviate the problem of the yard chafing on the lower aft shrouds.
    I don't understand why the bottom of Bertie's main is so far forward past the mast. That configuration would compromise too much my boomed staysail.


  • 29 Aug 2013 18:48
    Reply # 1377104 on 1366504
    Theiry , hope I got your name right , Robin Blaine can send you Imfo sheets for a couple of quid . let us know how u get on  and if you think I can help you I will .cheers .   
  • 29 Aug 2013 18:40
    Reply # 1377101 on 1366504
    Helo Thierry , I push around an 9 mt 9ton spray schooner junket rig mostly experimental.       my idea was to get controll of the baggy part of the gaff rig .My main sail  runs on amast track and has baton pockets sealed by tied tape witch dide,nt stop  the batons overshooting the mast and jaming when raising the sail ,so my answer was to cut 6 inches of the batons nearest the mast, it cured the problem whether it is eficient or not I  d,ont know.       My boom and yard are on home made sliders in the track and I use two halyards ,on one winch to raise the sail , one on the yard and one on the peak .   I yocky the sail up keeping the yard parallel  ,reason to stop the yard catching the lazy jacks  I get the odd tangle but what the hell  its a boat .    the sheet must be loose on the way up or it will effect the stress on the rig and slack must be taken in on the way down other wise you could end up with a mares nest .    I don,t know how your yard is attached to your mast whether its u  shaped or full circle either way you could do the batons the same , I use plastic pipe 50 mil by 3 mil its flexible and has,nt broke yet and I get some shape .   My fore sail has open batons tied to the sail Its simpler and I like it .   I have stays on both masts and let the sail rest on the stays,  on the run the batons flex around ,all you may get is chaf on a  long run .  Your jib will help you tack ,mine is not very good , no jib . 
  • 20 Aug 2013 19:44
    Reply # 1370417 on 1366504
     A straight luff does more that just look better, in my opinion. A saggy luff will have effect
    on the entire panel I would say. The panel has to have more camber that it was designed to have as the battens are closer together, at least at the luff. This will affect pointing and possibly speed. Pulling down the lower batten and straightening the luff as Ketil does usually will help maintain the camber as designed. Using downhauls will do the same
    without deckwork. 
    regards, Rudolf

  • 18 Aug 2013 21:39
    Reply # 1369016 on 1367738
    Deleted user
    Thierry Msika wrote:
    Have you noticed that Daniel is heading your way in his 'rolling junket' cruise? Plenty of posts about it in the Cruises and Rallies forum.

    I am in contact in Daniel. Cruises and Rallies forum? Where is that?
    Thierry - look in Members' Area > Members-only fora > Cruisers & Rallies
  • 18 Aug 2013 14:29
    Reply # 1368840 on 1366504


    The answar is yes, but you would still have to go forward to tame the exess sail that act like an airbrake. Using dowhauls would add extra strings and complexity to the rig, and I love to have just 4 strings to play with. Err.... are we a bit off topic?


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