History of the Western Junk Rig - Author Found (Chris Galienne)

  • 06 Jan 2014 20:59
    Reply # 1468923 on 1415707
    Deleted user
    Update - Chris didn't get any replies to his above requests through this thread, but tells me that "4 committee members have agreed to read sections as I complete the drafts, which is probably OK for now - particularly as they have quite a lot of experience between them."
  • 07 Jan 2014 18:27
    Reply # 1469982 on 1415707
    By all means send to me, Chris, but I won't be able to respond until I get a new computer. 
  • 08 Jan 2014 18:55
    Reply # 1470856 on 1415707
    Deleted user
    Thank you David.
    No hurry, I'll send it in due course.
  • 08 Jan 2014 19:05
    Reply # 1470866 on 1415707
    Deleted user
    Brief sitrep:

    Been slacking on this a bit the last few weeks, due to holidays and pressure from the real world.

    Part one: THE CHINESE RIG
    I have had useful comments from 4 reviewers, and Annie has now completed a (very thorough) proof reading and this part is probably now approaching 'release candidate' status.

    Around 9000 words at the moment, still waiting on a couple of promises, but expect first draft by end Jan/early Feb.

    this is the meat. Around 8000 words right now but lots of work to do and I'm trying not to be too controversial ('yeah, right' I hear people who know me proclaim!).
    Last modified: 08 Jan 2014 19:07 | Deleted user
  • 09 Jan 2014 05:16
    Reply # 1471232 on 1415707
    Deleted user
    Well done Chris.  Sounds like impressive progress to me.
    Can't wait to see the draft proofs when you are ready.
  • 29 Jan 2014 12:17
    Reply # 1485703 on 1415707
    Deleted user
    In the 1964 OSTAR, Blondie Hasler & Jester finished in 37 days and 22 hours. In the book "Single Handed" in 1984, Libby Purves calls this a “startling aberration; seven or eight weeks is nearer the mark”. This struck me as an odd comment, given that the only other time registered by Hasler and Jester in this race, four years earlier, was also less than seven weeks (just).

    Hasler improved on his 1960 time by 22%. Chichester improved his in Gypsy Moth III by 26%, and Lacombe, though in another (very similar) boat by 37%. These greater improvements were not flagged by Ms. Purves as aberrant. The chapter quoted deals principally with Jester in the hands of Mike Richey, who was noted for his indifference to ‘the race’, being content to spend time navigating across the ocean in a leisurely fashion, within the race structure (see Graham Cox's excellent HoF article).

    So, what do we think? Is this a further example of a knee-jerk prejudice against the funny little junk-rigged vessels? Or simply the confusion of the subsequent uncompetitive nature of Mike Richey with that of Jester? Or am I just becoming paranoid?
  • 02 Feb 2014 19:25
    Reply # 1488718 on 1415707
    A knee jerk reaction from someone unfamiliar at first hand with the vagaries of a N Atlantic crossing, I suspect. When I came down from Iceland to the Azores in August 2005, I had NE winds for a long period, where one might normally expect to get westerlies. Anyone making an east to west crossing at precisely that time would have got a massive boost, and a 37 day passage would have been within reach. 
  • 24 Feb 2014 19:43
    Reply # 1504877 on 1470866
    Deleted user
    Chris Gallienne wrote:Brief sitrep:

    Around 9000 words at the moment, still waiting on a couple of promises, but expect first draft by end Jan/early Feb.

    this is the meat. Around 8000 words right now but lots of work to do ...

    Just so no-one thinks I've 'burned out':

    Still waiting on one promise for completion of Part II draft - if I don't get it by the end of Feb I'll circulate for initial comments as it stands.

    Part III is still progressing - target for first draft mid/end April.

    I therefore hope to have a complete draft available by the time of the AGM - I will then have to start the process of selecting and getting permissions, etc. for all the photos and other images to be used.
  • 25 Feb 2014 18:02
    Reply # 1505576 on 1415707
    Deleted user
    Thank you, Chris, for the update.  Good to know you are progressing steadily.
    If there is any chasing of promises etc. we could do on your behalf, please let me know.
    Can't wait for the AGM, and the finished draft.
  • 25 Feb 2014 19:47
    Reply # 1505680 on 1415707
    Well done, Chris.  This is an important work in capable hands.  I'm sure that many of us are looking forward to the completed book.

    I trust you're not waiting for anything back from me?  I've been a tad distracted since the New Year and am having difficulties catching up!
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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