s/y Vanharouva now junk rigged

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  • 02 Jul 2012 19:04
    Reply # 991049 on 990571
    Well done on the new rig Robin. I hope you get many years of pleasure from it.
  • 02 Jul 2012 13:51
    Reply # 990732 on 990571
    Deleted user
    Ps Vanharouva is finnish and means " the old lady"

  • 02 Jul 2012 13:49
    Reply # 990731 on 990571
    Deleted user
    You are right, there is camber in the four lower panels and in the lower part of panel 5
    but panel 6 is flat.
  • 02 Jul 2012 08:56
    Reply # 990592 on 990571
    It's always good to hear about a new rig turning out to be a success, Robin. I wish you happy sailing in Vanharouva. 
    In the little boat photo, I think I see camber in the lower four panels?
  • 02 Jul 2012 08:12
    Message # 990571
    Deleted user
    At last Vanharouva was launched 30.6 and yesterday was the first short sailtrial.
    The performance surprised positively both downwind and to windward, both speed and balance ok and ease of handling as expected, to my great pleasure because this was the chief reason to the rig modification. I was diagnosed Parkinsons disease in 2009 and first I
    thought that I had o finish sailing but after a while I realized that the boat needed some modifications to suit my weakening balance.
    Wind vane still in workshop but should be ready for trials later this week, trim tam already in place.
    More details and photos later,
    Robin F
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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
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