
  • 14 Jan 2013 09:34
    Reply # 1179215 on 1175148
    Graham Cox wrote:I am looking forward to seeing that sail go up Gary.  The boat looks good with the mast stepped.  Hopefully we will cross tacks next summer and can compare our rigs.  I plan to get out of here in April but will spend some time in the Whitsundays, probably come down your way early summer.  Dreaming of Fiji (Annie's fault, she put the idea in my head) but that will have to wait a while yet.  Hope you have a wonderful summer sailing. 

    Thanks Graham,as for crossing paths I'd like to see that happen one day. Hopefully not too far in the future. I could be up on Moreton Bay by then...who knows.
  • 14 Jan 2013 09:29
    Reply # 1179213 on 1178571
    Annie Hill wrote:
    Gary Pick wrote:Great sailing winds lately,  sadly I want Force 0. I have managed to fit the top two battens but just two much wind to fit the rest.

    But they look very nice!!!

    There is a lot of interest from my yachtie neighbours.
  • 14 Jan 2013 09:25
    Reply # 1179212 on 1178491
    Gary King wrote:Either that or force 10, two panels would do fine then :)

    Not for my mother's little boy!

  • 13 Jan 2013 23:49
    Reply # 1178949 on 644008
    Arne thanks for that idea, I'll use it. I had already numbered my battens.
  • 13 Jan 2013 10:01
    Reply # 1178620 on 1178430
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Gary Pick wrote:Great sailing winds lately,  sadly I want Force 0. I have managed to fit the top two battens but just two much wind to fit the rest.

                                                                     Stavanger, Sunday

    Hi Gary.

    I know the problem. Sometimes when the wind is too strong for "normal" rigging work and I run out of patience, I go to plan B: I just tie/lace together the upper, finished panels at luff and leech and then hoist the next panel to let me insert another batten, fit the batten parrel and even maybe pre-fit the HK parrel. With the panel finished, I tie the new batten up to this "upper bundle" and continue with next panel. This way only one panel is exposed to the wind and I can work in up to a wind force 4. I also recommend writing the batten number on the battens at both ends. This lets you tie on sheetlets to the fully furled bundle without wondering what goes where.

    Good luck!


  • 13 Jan 2013 06:43
    Reply # 1178571 on 1178430
    Gary Pick wrote:Great sailing winds lately,  sadly I want Force 0. I have managed to fit the top two battens but just two much wind to fit the rest.

    But they look very nice!!!
  • 13 Jan 2013 03:10
    Reply # 1178491 on 644008
    Deleted user
    Either that or force 10, two panels would do fine then :)
  • 13 Jan 2013 01:18
    Reply # 1178430 on 644008
    Great sailing winds lately,  sadly I want Force 0. I have managed to fit the top two battens but just two much wind to fit the rest.
  • 09 Jan 2013 23:40
    Reply # 1175788 on 1175785
    Gary King wrote:
    Annie Hill wrote:Sorry, Brian, off topic but couldn't resist it.  Are all Aussie junkies called Gary apart from Graham (and he's South African, originally)?
    Its in the rules.

    You guy's live according to the rules ??? One thing every South African learns on their mothers knee "rules are made to be broken"  excepting mothers rules of cause :-)
    Last modified: 10 Jan 2013 00:17 | Anonymous member
  • 09 Jan 2013 23:40
    Reply # 1175787 on 1175709
    Annie Hill wrote:Sorry, Brian, off topic but couldn't resist it.  Are all Aussie junkies called Gary apart from Graham (and he's South African, originally)?

    It would seem so Annie, though according to Monty Python we are all called Bruce...even the weather.:)
    Clear plastic tube fendering is now fitted to the battens and I plan to have all the battens fitted this weekend.
    The lack of funds at the moment has go me thinking about using a rope main sheet horse as a temporary measure. I'd only need to fit two eyebolts.
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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