
  • 09 Jan 2013 23:35
    Reply # 1175785 on 1175709
    Deleted user
    Annie Hill wrote:Sorry, Brian, off topic but couldn't resist it.  Are all Aussie junkies called Gary apart from Graham (and he's South African, originally)?
    Its in the rules.
  • 09 Jan 2013 21:39
    Reply # 1175709 on 644008
    Sorry, Brian, off topic but couldn't resist it.  Are all Aussie junkies called Gary apart from Graham (and he's South African, originally)?
  • 09 Jan 2013 11:32
    Reply # 1175148 on 644008
    I am looking forward to seeing that sail go up Gary.  The boat looks good with the mast stepped.  Hopefully we will cross tacks next summer and can compare our rigs.  I plan to get out of here in April but will spend some time in the Whitsundays, probably come down your way early summer.  Dreaming of Fiji (Annie's fault, she put the idea in my head) but that will have to wait a while yet.  Hope you have a wonderful summer sailing. 
  • 09 Jan 2013 05:26
    Reply # 1174963 on 1174927
    Gary Kepper wrote:Hi Gary, It a joy to see the progress your making on Redwing and its quite inspirational. I am really looking forward to seeing her sailing. 

    Im building a Tom Colvin Gazelle and I live quite close at Southport. Would you be interested in showing me your boat and maybe exchange some ideas etc. 

    I have a great deal of respect for anyone that has built there own boat! 

    Best regards

    Gary Kepper

    Hi Gary, I will be working on the boat this weekend if you want to come and have a yarn. Drop me an email gary at redwing2012 dot com.
  • 09 Jan 2013 04:43
    Reply # 1174927 on 644008
    Deleted user
    Hi Gary, It a joy to see the progress your making on Redwing and its quite inspirational. I am really looking forward to seeing her sailing. 

    Im building a Tom Colvin Gazelle and I live quite close at Southport. Would you be interested in showing me your boat and maybe exchange some ideas etc. 

    I have a great deal of respect for anyone that has built there own boat! 

    Best regards

    Gary Kepper

  • 07 Jan 2013 20:38
    Reply # 1173682 on 1173081
    Gary Pick wrote:I'm happy to wait a couple of weeks, it will take me a while to get all the battens, parrels, sheetspans etc setup anyway.
    Hell, yes.  After more than a score of years, a couple of weeks is neither here nor there.  Savour the anticipation, and enjoy setting up your sail.  The best of luck.
  • 07 Jan 2013 00:34
    Reply # 1173081 on 644008
    I'm happy to wait a couple of weeks, it will take me a while to get all the battens, parrels, sheetspans etc setup anyway.
  • 06 Jan 2013 23:08
    Reply # 1173026 on 644008
    Deleted user
    Getting close Gary.
    You could always gerry rig a horse with a triangle of blocks and lines, as mentioned before I think.
  • 06 Jan 2013 22:01
    Reply # 1172998 on 644008
    The sail went on yesterday minus battens. Still no main sheet horse but I raised one panel and watched it fill, Redwing tugged on her sternlines and if she hadn't been restrained she would have been sailing.:)
  • 03 Jan 2013 01:19
    Reply # 1170703 on 644008
    Hi Annie, it's black and the fibres are flat in shape.

    Not as nice as conventional fibre for splicing.
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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