
  • 04 Feb 2013 00:11
    Reply # 1197479 on 644008
    Hey Gary - she's looking great! Have fun learning all about her. Your hands will soon harden up :-)
  • 03 Feb 2013 17:40
    Reply # 1197238 on 1196951
    Gary Pick wrote:Redwing had her first sail today, it was fairly short but very interesting. The rig needs more work but the interested pointy sailors were impressed with the rig and particularly her down wind speed. I can't give any idea of the speed as the Log paddle needs cleaning.
    Photos and more later.
    Congratulations, Gary! That's another milestone passed.
  • 03 Feb 2013 11:57
    Reply # 1197046 on 1196980
    Deleted user
    Looks great Gary.

    Gary Pick wrote:..I have the Halyard, yard hauling parrel and  a luff hauling parrel running from the heel of the yard to the first parallel parrel which seems to have no effect. Kerry and I sat down this afternoon and studied the photos and I think a combination yard/throat hauling parrel might be the go. Possibly moving the sling point further up the yard may help as well. The yard definitely has to be peaked higher. 
    You mean Paul Fay's junk yard parrel from JRA-60? Yep, I think that is the way to go.. at least as far as I know..
  • 03 Feb 2013 09:47
    Reply # 1196980 on 644008
    Okay there are a few new photos in my profile directory. Polypropylene rope is very unkind to hands, I have at least 5 broken blisters from raising the sail a number of times. I shall need sailing gloves...well gloves anyway. I have the Halyard, yard hauling parrel and  a luff hauling parrel running from the heel of the yard to the first parallel parrel which seems to have no effect. Kerry and I sat down this afternoon and studied the photos and I think a combination yard/throat hauling parrel might be the go. Possibly moving the sling point further up the yard may help as well. The yard definitely has to be peaked higher. 
  • 03 Feb 2013 08:29
    Reply # 1196951 on 644008
    Redwing had her first sail today, it was fairly short but very interesting. The rig needs more work but the interested pointy sailors were impressed with the rig and particularly her down wind speed. I can't give any idea of the speed as the Log paddle needs cleaning.
    Photos and more later.
  • 31 Jan 2013 07:35
    Reply # 1194230 on 1193890
    Gary Pick wrote:
    Gary King wrote:
    Gary Pick wrote:Social or financial standing is no indicator wrt criminality btw. Its a "quality" that appears in all corners... probably in equal percentages.

    new career path?

    How did that get in there? That's from a WB forum post I did. Please ignore it.
    Poor Gary P - I suspect it's water on the brain!!
  • 30 Jan 2013 22:50
    Reply # 1193890 on 1193350
    Gary King wrote:
    Gary Pick wrote:Social or financial standing is no indicator wrt criminality btw. Its a "quality" that appears in all corners... probably in equal percentages.

    new career path?

    How did that get in there? That's from a WB forum post I did. Please ignore it.
  • 30 Jan 2013 13:31
    Reply # 1193350 on 1193278
    Deleted user
    Gary Pick wrote:Social or financial standing is no indicator wrt criminality btw. Its a "quality" that appears in all corners... probably in equal percentages.

    new career path?
  • 30 Jan 2013 11:10
    Reply # 1193278 on 1193100
    Graham Cox wrote:I trust Redwing is OK Gary.  We had a bit of a flood upstream of the marina here in Half Moon Bay Creek, Cairns, but nothing like down south, just a few logs (and lots of coconuts) floating by.  It is amazing how that low started in the Gulf and slid right on down the east coast of Australia.  The Whitsundays took a real hiding once again.  If I was there I would have been in my usual hidey hole up the mangroves in Gulnare Inlet but it is never much fun.  Looking forward to April and getting some decent sailing in this winter!  Hope to cross tacks later in the year.
    Social or financial standing is no indicator wrt criminality btw. Its a "quality" that appears in all corners... probably in equal percentages.
    Sandwiched between an inland high and another off New Zealand the only place it could go was south along the coast. I'm going to go up tomorrow arvo to check on her. I'm looking forward to Autumn, beautiful sunny days and fingers crossed 10-15 knot (maybe up to 20) training wheel winds.
  • 30 Jan 2013 11:04
    Reply # 1193269 on 1193078
    Gary King wrote:
    Gary Pick wrote:Actually David I made a slight mistake, it was only 820mm.:)
    Looks like more on the way...sadly.
    Glad you're still there Gary. From over here it looks like half the oz east coast has fallen into the Pacific, again.. for the 3rd year running...

    This will be our 4th year of bigger than average floods if it's anything like last year. We get floods every year, it's normal after all it is the sub tropics. I think it may become the norm.
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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