Kehaar Darwin towed in to Hawaii

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  • 12 Feb 2018 13:18
    Reply # 5732907 on 5658356

    Kris did get a mention in 'The Coastal Passage'  a very good Aussie on-line mag, well worth a look at if you have not come across it.  That said, the link to Kris's article does no longer appear to work. 

  • 10 Feb 2018 06:33
    Reply # 5730408 on 5658356

    A non-member just wrote to me saying that in Latitude 38's February Letters section you will see Kris somewhat vindicated for the unfair press coverage in January.  For those who don't know it, this is a magazine from USA, I think based in CA.

  • 13 Jan 2018 23:49
    Reply # 5681703 on 5658356

    Kehaar is due to leave Hawaii today, bound for the Philippines and then on to Darwin, Australia, where Kris will complete his circumnavigation.

    Contrary to my previous comment (my misunderstanding), Kehaar's sail was in bad shape, and Kris spent much of the 10 days he was in port building a new sail.  Having built several over the last 30 years and 100,000 miles, he has had plenty of practice. He had also broken his boom in a gybe and could not find a suitable replacement in the time available, so made the new sail with one less panel (utilising existing battens) and is sailing boomless.  You will have to wait until the June edition of the JRA magazine, when Kris will feature in my HOF series, for further details.

  • 08 Jan 2018 02:34
    Reply # 5666446 on 5658356

    Very interesting all round.  We were once visited by the Spanish authorities, because we were acting suspiciously.  It was nearly calm and we had been making minimal progress for about 3 days.  Sailing instead of motoring is apparently suspicious activity.  I should imagine that Kris must be less than delighted with this bad publicity and thank you, Shemaya, for correcting story in Facebook.  We all know how effectively that disseminates incorrect stories!

    The link Graham posted is well worth reading.  Kris's wife would appear to be as remarkable in her way as Kris is in his!

  • 08 Jan 2018 00:00
    Reply # 5666275 on 5665226
    Graham Cox wrote:

    Contrary to reports, the sail is not in poor shape.  It may be a classic case of people not understanding junk rigs.  They can look untidy when furled or reefed.  

    I can relate to that. Once, when I was approaching Northern Ireland after a rough passage from Scotland, and was shaking out reefs as I gained some shelter from the land, the CG came onto the VHF, saying that he had a report of a boat in trouble, in my position, and asking if anyone could see anything. I radioed back, saying "that'd be me, as there's nobody else around, and I'm fine, I'll be in harbour in 30 minutes from now". Clearly some busybody, who didn't know what he was looking at, had made a phone call to the CG. If I hadn't had a VHF radio, I can quite imagine that the lifeboat would have been sent out to check, and that might well have generated an equally foolish article in the local paper.
  • 07 Jan 2018 22:43
    Reply # 5666227 on 5662638
    David Tyler wrote: Shemaya, if you go right back to your first post, and click 'edit', you get the option of editing the title that you don't get on later posts.
    Thanks, David – looks like Chris, or somebody, got there first (thank you!) But I'll remember that for the future – it's come up more than once!
  • 07 Jan 2018 12:50
    Reply # 5665573 on 5658356

    For those interested in Kris's story here is a recent post of his current state and a little insight into his mind set via his wife's blog.

    Last modified: 07 Jan 2018 13:18 | Anonymous member
  • 07 Jan 2018 03:11
    Reply # 5665320 on 5658356

    A good article from a 1999 Cruising World about Kris:

  • 06 Jan 2018 23:35
    Reply # 5665226 on 5658356

    Kris is busy restocking Kehaar with provisions and water and attending to the boat's needs.  He only asked immigration for 10 days, (though they were happy to grant him an extension if needed), since Kehaar has no major problems.  Contrary to reports, the sail is not in poor shape.  It may be a classic case of people not understanding junk rigs.  They can look untidy when furled or reefed.  Also, Kehaar has a workboat finish, in keeping with the sort of cruising Kris frequently does, visiting 3rd world harbours that do not have yachting facilities.  He expects to be underway in a few days. 

    Last modified: 06 Jan 2018 23:35 | Anonymous member
  • 06 Jan 2018 05:35
    Reply # 5664498 on 5662269
    Shemaya Laurel wrote:

    Chris, it seems that the title for this topic should be changed, for accuracy. I'm afraid that even though I created it, I can't figure out how to change it – would you consider doing the honors? Perhaps it should read "Kehaar Darwin towed into Hawaii port"

    It would be good to see this topic title changed.  Thanks.
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