Hi Andrew,
nice to follow up on your project. Thanks for sharing!
Just a thought: did you consider using UV-resistant cloths instead of sailcloth? We used Swela Outgard (190 g/m²) for Ilvy, and are very happy with it. She wears a cambered junk rig about your planned size, 35 m², and sailshape. The sail was also designed by Arne, and is a direct copy of Boudicca.
Ilvy's mast is 180 mm at the partners, tapered alu. I got Nedal to sell me the raw tube of a flag mast. However, I'm located in Germany, not the UK... For me, the mast was definitely the bottleneck of the whole conversion project.
PS: Rhino is superb at free form CAD, and comes with native calculation of geometrical centers.