Anonymous wrote:
That JR is based on a Johanna 65 master sail with AR = 1.10, so was quite quick to draw up.
Mast length.
The shown mast is 13.66m above wl. In addition there is 497mm down from the wl. to the cabin sole, so together that should be about 14.16m. Any more or less length at the bottom end depends on how you build the mast step.
Then there is the boom height.
The clew appears to sit about 76cm above deck. With the 22% mast balance, the clew will hit the guardrail unless you let it pass over it. Maybe you should consider lifting the boom 10-15cm to be on the safe side? Then the mast must be lengthened with the same amount...
Mast thickness.
I find it quite difficult to do a proper calculation of mast scantlings, as the boats grow much bigger than I am used to (Traveller’s disp. = 6441kg). It appears that the Traveller will need an aluminium mast with diameter between 25 and 28cm, and with wall thickness of 5-6mm, depending on the alloy grade available.
Frankly, the best tip I can give is to ask David Tyler. His Tystie was in the same displacement league, so the mast which worked for him, is likely to work for your boat as well.
Good luck.

(Arne's Sketches section 8-23)
Thanks Arne. Those mast dimensions you mention are very close to what I was sort "guesstimating" Hopefully David will see this and comment as well , or I'll send him a message at some point. First things first with this boat will be:
To get her engine running
To make a few calls and see if the tapered mast that I know about is still available.
fingers and toes crossed on that one!
I'm already living aboard , and she is quite the well built and good looking little ship. She'll be even better with a junk rig.