Every now and then fora topics (threads) drift off topic. Very occasionally people say things they didn't really mean, or in ways they didn't mean. All of that is dealt with on our
fora policies page.
In an email that Annie Hill sent to members who've indicated in their profiles that they'd be happy to help run the site, she asked if anyone would like to help moderate a forum or two, either regularly or as a deputy. She had one direct offer to help with this -
Arran Robertson of Rhyde, Isle of Wight, UK. Back in November I said I'd be in touch with you 'soon', Arran. Unfortunately the weeks came and went...
I'm now in the process of giving Arran sufficient access to 'control' one of the fora, and am about to email him some notes on how to take this forward. This will be an experiment to see if we can involve more members in running the site. If YOU could help with this, please let me know here.