Can you help us search the web for dodgy JRA links or information?

  • 25 Oct 2013 02:36
    Message # 1420915
    Deleted user
    Aim: To update links back to and information about the JRA occurring on sites around the Web

    Skills: Keyword searching, communications, Broadband connection, methodical approach and recording of work to avoid duplication of effort, and to produce a list of sites linking to us / sites we could link to.

    Task: Key word search for Junk Rig and Junk Rig Association. Check the hits one by one for validity of the link back to us, or no link where there could be one. Create a standard letter asking for JRA link inclusion or updating. Compile list of sites we should link to Follow up that this has been done.

    Notes. Draft of letter needs approval before sending! 

    members can use this topic to record outdated links (please paste page link) or sites to
    Link to spotted by Roy Denton and which has already been updated (lucky I checked.
    Last modified: 02 Nov 2013 16:54 | Deleted user
  • 25 Oct 2013 22:38
    Reply # 1421481 on 1420915
    Deleted user

    In the thread "Hi. I've just joined the JRA ! "

    Brian Kerslake wrote:Roy, that link's incorrect info about the JRA was reported to me  a few months back. I emailed the correction but didn't get a reply. Not much else we can do without pestering people again and again. Some respond, some don't. Thanks for taking this job on and thanks Lesley for creating a project post for it.

     The website seems to have been abandoned, as the page about the JRA newsletters only goes up to issue 50 of January 2008, and the home page is dated 27-10-2012.  I expect this problem will increase as websites, started in enthusiasm, become a burden to their authors, then remain in stasis but still accessible.

    Last modified: 31 Oct 2013 21:35 | Deleted user
  • 31 Oct 2013 21:38
    Reply # 1425733 on 1420915
    Deleted user
    That's right, Roy. There's lethargy out in webland... Many thanks for joining in this project and for drafting the letter to which Lesley referred. Your draft said:

    To the Webmaster at (insert website URL here)

    From the Website Team at

    Hello from the JRA and thanks for referencing our organisation on your website. One of our members recently visited your site, and found a link to us which seems to be out of date. I hope you don't mind my pointing this out, so that you can update your site and give your visitors the best chance of finding the information they need.

    If you wish, one of our team can send you a reference to the page with the problem, together with the current information for you to include. If you prefer to find the information yourself it can be looked up on our website as shown above. It would be very helpful if you could send us a short message of acknowledgement in this case, so we don't need to keep track of the update.

    Thanks for your assistance.

  • 31 Oct 2013 21:41
    Reply # 1425738 on 1420915
    Deleted user
    Here are some responses and my suggestions:

    responded: "My thought is that we make it as easy as possible and include their page URL of the incorrect link as well as the correction we'd like to see (which often includes an update of the hon.sec. contact details which I reckon should probably be just the email link rather than postal details so it's future proofed)"

    I agree with Lesley's link suggestion.

    Roy responded: "I first thought on the same lines as you, but then thought to make it easier for us, and have more chance of a response, if we left out the detail until certain someone was listening.

    Don't agree, Roy. Easier to report the problem right away rather than maybe have to go looking for it again. It's usually quick to explain or just a case of copying a URL or giving an email address.

    Happy to go along with your ideas if that's what is decided, but it might be wasted effort if no-one is actively caretaking the site. Also, there may be other pages we have not visited on the target site with errant info, which an active webmaster would know about and could then correct."

    Lesley replied: "Good point, your strategy does keep work to a minimum for us, and active sites will no doubt respond.

    Roy you're right there but on balance I think it's best to tell them right away what's wrong and leave it to them. Better to go back and check if they get back to you. Most do. Here's a slight redraft which aims to give them the info up front. In my experience webmasters don;t have the time to get into a series of email exchanges - just give them the errors and leave them to do it or not. Chase again if there's time - I've never been able to find it, but if someone can take this job on, they might be able to.

    To the Webmaster at (insert website URL here)

    From the Web Team at

    Hello from the JRA and thanks for referencing our organisation on your site. One of our members recently visited it and found one or more out of date links to us or incorrect details about us. I hope you don't mind me contacting you, and hope that you can correct those issues and any more that you come across to give your visitors the best chance of finding us. My list is below. If you can make those changes I would be pleased if you could let me know when you have done so.Thanks for your assistance.


    Roy, are you also offering to do the work of searching for dodgy links/info and the follow up? It would be great if that's the case.


    Last modified: 31 Oct 2013 22:08 | Deleted user
  • 31 Oct 2013 22:42
    Reply # 1425770 on 1420915
    Deleted user

    Hi Brian,

    OK, I'll take it on, although I don't have too much time for trawling just now.  Maybe other members can flag up any out of date info they find on websites by posting a URL on this forum for me to follow up, or by emailing the info to me direct.

  • 02 Nov 2013 16:50
    Reply # 1426550 on 1420915
    Deleted user
    Hi Roy. Great, that's the kind of news we like. So there's a challenge to all members. Roy will chase up the webmasters/owners websites that have out of date info about or links to the JRA. He'd like your help in finding them and asks that you report URLs here with a brief description of the problem. I just searched Google for 'Junk Rig Association' and it reported 4,400,000 links, so plenty to keep us busy :-)
    Last modified: 03 Nov 2013 17:59 | Deleted user
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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