A roll call of committee members:
Brian and Lesley were deeply involved in the drafting of the documents, so can be assumed to be in approval.
Edward, Sally, David, Lynda, Annie and I have now commented on the documents and, subject to very minor suggested amendments which do not alter the meaning of the text, have all supported them.
That is all committee members. Thank you all.
Provided amendments between this draft and the final text are those suggested above or similar minor amendments of grammar, spelling, typos etc that do not alter the meaning of the text then we can reasonably assume that the final documents are approved by all of the committee.
The documents can or indeed should be considered 'live documents' subject to amendment as or when changes in circumstances dictate. I would request that the Webmaster(s) kindly keep a watching brief.
However, I see no reason for the committee to revisit this unless or until significant amendments are required.