To simplify the (huge)
mast database spreadsheet so that we can print it in the magazine
To update it regularly, perhaps every 6 months.
To upload the new version to the site, and publicise it
To simplify it as above
Downloading the database from the site
Comparing data in the current version to data in members' profiles (fewer than 50% of profiles have mast data), ie figuring out what's been added since the current version of the database was created
Uploading to the site and publicising.
Mark Thomasson, Daniel Collins, Annie Hill (and more, memory fails me) recently created a Mast Database using information (material, length, wall thickness, etc) culled from members' profiles. Why? One reason is to help members plan the construction of new or replacement masts.
It's several months since the first version of the database was uploaded. A regular update - maybe twice a year - would be useful. Updates could include data drawn from any source, not just data on members' boats. Volunteers to update it are sought.
David Chiddell has volunteered to see if the database can be simplified so that it is of a size that can be published in the magazine.