Stavanger, Sunday
(..spring is supposed to be here soon, but the met office promises us a couple of frosty nights now, so I am not so sure. I’d better stay inside and nurse my sore throat...)..
..I suggest...
My last posting about the dilemma of the printed NL may look like sulking and it certainly lacked the important factor; a constructive idea on how to improve things.
But first of all, I don’t think that the NL58 is bad, it just has the same problem as all newsletters have had when lots of stuff has to be compressed into a small area. Compressing photos is not a big problem; it is when diagrams are crimped to half or quarter size that we get in trouble. When text and details get unreadable, the efforts of the writer will be in vain.
Sooo, I suggest that the next newsletters are made in two versions; one for the web and one meant for printing. It does not have to involve much extra work. This is how it can be done.
# Challenge No. One is always to receive enough written material from the members. Encourage members to make their own complete articles with photos and diagrams in whichever way they want them to look. Even the rally reports should be made this way, with plenty of big, nice photos. Those who need help with some editing, proof reading and format conversion may get that.
# Make the web NL first.
# The web NL and printed NL will only have a few pages in common; the front cover and the official JRA part. This will contain an intro from the editor and/or the Hon. Secretary, reports from the AGM etc. In addition the commercials.
# Already at the list of contents, the two versions will split:
# In the web version the list of contents will actually be a list of links to the articles. Click on the link and the article (in PDF format) will pop up. Close the article and you are back to that active list of contents again. The beauty of this is that the web articles can use more space which is more screen-friendly and need less graphic skills. The amount of Megabytes will not increase much. After all, my 7 page "Peaking up .." article is only is 616 kB - well less per page than NL58.
# The all-up number of pages of these articles for a web NL may well exceed 100 without the need to fell a single tree.
# From these web articles - hopefully hardly touched by the editor until now - a printed NL can be edited.
Could this be an idea?