Anonymous wrote:
My name is Leo and I'm VERY new to sailing, but my wife and I will be spending next year learning a lot on a coworker's J24 on Lake Tahoe, with an eye to shopping for our own boat next fall.
Reading PJR, surveying lightly the conversations with people here, I have to admit though, that I'm concerned that the costs and construction in converting an existing boat (at our age and income level)
I have no intentions of tackling a mast repositioning on an existing sailboat myself, which leaves me the impression this challenge would be impractical for our time and budget.
We're likely shopping around for trailer/sailers, in the 20' range as there are more than enough bodies of water around us to keep a pair of novice sailors busy on weekends, long or short, and our interest in boat ownership is merely floating around from A to B safely and boring as we can. For now, certainly.
Leo. Welcome to sailing and the JRA. While I am glad to tell anyone who is willing to listen the advantages of the junk rig I also see that converting a boat is not the easiest or least expensive way to get on the water. The freedom 21 is different from most conversions as it’s mast sits a good way aft of the bow and is already free standing. Also there is a shallow draft model that makes weekend trailer sailing possible. I think catboats generally have their mast too far in the bow to convert without moving the mast. Even if you could balance the boat and rig, the sail and battens ahead of the mast would make it very difficult to anchor, moor or other activities from the bow.
Enjoy your chance to sail on the J24 and remember this is designed to race. There are many other bermuda rigged boat that you can sail with less drama and work and there are many people who safely single hand trailer sailors. With a GOOD roller furller and a main reefing system you and your wife should be able enjoy relaxing time on the water. That doesn’t mean a junk rigged boat can’t be in your future.