The best sail for reaching and running, from a steering balance point of view, is no doubt the symmetric squaresail. Since this sail dominated for so long in Europe, the ships tended to be made with small rudders.
The Chinese started rigging their sails fore-and-aft fashion very early. In addition, since they didn’t make their boats with fixed keels, they soon developed centreboards and (in our eyes) oversize rudders. This way they managed to control their boats and ships downwind, with their offset rigs.
During my years in JRA, I have seen many examples of boats that struggle downwind with their sloop JR. This is mostly because the rudders have been small and in-efficient. I keep nagging on this: Choose boats with a big, efficient rudder, or be prepared to fit one.
There are other methods:
· Go for a (sloop) JR with plenty of balance. My Johanna-style sail can hardly be set with much more than 17% balance. Paul Thompson’s sails with lower yard angle, have been used with 22% balance, as far as I remember. Slieve McGalliard’s Split JR can have 30-35% balance, which offloads the rudder a lot on a reach (and have light sheet-loads)
· Make the sail with long Batten Parrels and a running Tack Parrel, so the sail can be centered somewhat when reaching and running. I’ve never used it, but they say it works.
· Rig the boat as a yawl, with the CE of the (short-chord) mainsail far enough forward to cause a lee helm alone, and with a little mizzen way aft to balance the rig. When falling off to a reach or run, the mizzen sheet can be eased and thus help keeping the steering easy. This method was in use on some elegant little gaff-rigged yachts, over hundred years ago (Albert Strange).
· Reef!
For my own part, I have decided to live with my sails with moderate balance in them (10-17%). As long as I can easily control the boat at speeds up to about 10% above the hullspeed before reefing, that is good enough for me. Actually, for my sailing, in and out among islands, it makes little sense to carry more sail downwind than my boat can carry when close-hauled.
PS: When having a closer look at photos of Blondie on the hard, it strikes me that her rudder is begging for an endplate, both at the lower and upper end. I would go for a ‘wingspan' of 60% or thereabouts of the rudder’s chord. I bet that will make Blondie cope better on a screaming reach.