This info about 2M beam gets me to spill a fair amount of design thought stuff/info on the subject, which I hope makes sense to those who might make the required effort to even make an attempt at following.
Sure, a boat somewhat like Trekka, but with a Junk rig, would or could be a fair design compromise. However, research and deliberation has led me to a possible alternative, that might just be an answer to space restrictions in the building space as well as draught issues on a craft that is too small to carry a dinghy.
Let us say 5M LOA rather than 5.7, even if only for the reason that this would fit with the length specified for the SETKA Transat challenge, although it does work better for me as far as building space goes.
Still, the build method that I propose, could stretch length up to 5.7, because it is envisaged as modular construction design, based around bulkheads that join the modules where the mast step and lifting keel case come together.Making 3 modules.
The largest module stretches between transom and bulkhead immediately forward of the mast, and is made of 2halves.Protruding into this(completed and joined module) , is the keel case, sloping at roughly 45deg aft, beneath the mast step.
Splitting the case` in a vertical line/join, is the mating bulkhead of the forward module.This alignment carries the keel down and stern wards below, or forward and upwards, to open(the case) through the foredeck.
The keel is comprised of 1/4" steel plate bent into an elliptical section over a roughly 2"dia round bar, with a teardrop shaped box at the bottom, that is filled with molten lead,also filling up to at least 1/2M of the elliptical section as well.There is additional steel fabrication and a composites extension that needs to be explained, but not now.
Slotting through the ballast plate in the SibLim type keel, this lifting keel has a suitably hardwearing contact area (around it's lower aperture). So, in the case of collision or when sat upon when drying out.
In the fully dropped position, the draught is slightly under 1M, and when lifted, is only slightly over0.5M, so that beaching and drying out is a possibility.
As I find, when drawing and scaling the SibLim lines down to 2M beam and 5M LOA, there is an approx 200sq ft area of sail ; if rigged with a 5 panel Chinese lug main and a quadrilateral unbattoned foresail like I had on JungJung.
Standing headroom is allowable under a pram hood, over a companionway near amidships, with the galley forward of this, which is centrally obstructed of course by the mast, making the obstruction of the keel case, hardly a problem.
My design uses a single hoisting rudder, with a skeg, and below the cockpit is a holding tank, which can be pumped out through the transom.Making an OB motor option, pretty much limited to a torqueedo leg fixed to a bracket at the bow.
I have the scribbled diagrams of all this, which I am looking at as I write, which might explain it all better (if they were redrawn tidily and processed for repro and posting).