I know Bob quite well - he's also a member of the RCC, where he's (affectionately?) known as 'The Mad Rev' (he's a Man of God, as well as a sailor and mountaineer: the archetypal 'muscular Christian', I suppose). His voyages are more in the manner of Tilman than Roger Taylor, but considerably less austere than either. However, his voyages are for the purpose of 'bagging' things - usually with a crowd of young and adventurous people wanting to achieve a 'first'. He is the antithesis, I would have thought, of Roger, whose long
solo voyages into the far north are more in the nature of a prolonged meditation than in the hope of glory.
In fact I wonder how many people who want to follow Roger, have truly taken on board how he does these voyages: I find one of the most astonishing aspects is that this cerebral, ex-professional musician takes neither books nor music with him. Indeed, his only stimulation (apart from his simple meals) are Nature and his own mind. My mind isn't enough to keep me going for three months: I am lost in awe even thinking about it.