Today's session:
Stn 3 bulkhead glued in, along with two deck beams that the headlining will be glued to.
Berth/galley front glued and wedged to stn 3 bulkhead. Little glue should appear on this face.
Berth front glued to deck stringer (berth front outside) with 11.75mm overlap at model scale, 50mm overlap at full size.
Looking vertically down at stn 6, to check that the slots in the berth/cockpit front are lined up with the edge of the deck stringer.
Inside the galley locker, excess glue extrudes out of the joint.
Fillet inside the galley locker.
Scrap 2mm HDPE laid in where the companionway slide will run, to keep the slot at constant width and clear of glue.
The main cabin headlining glued in place on the deck beams.
Looking forward at the headlining, with the 2mm HDPE sheet keeping the slot clean and at constant width.
The final result of one assembly session, with stn 3 bulkhead, both cockpit/berth fronts and main cabin headlining glued in, stn 1 and stn 2 bulkheads ready to glue in next.