Well not everything went as smoothly as it might, for which I take full responsibility.
Firstly I managed to get the cut plywood wet - this required trying to dry it without getting inordinately warped. It was still a bit wobbly but I decided it was time for a fitting exercise. This was short lived as I discovered that the 1.5 mm ply I bought sight unseen and had shipped direct to the CNC folk was in fact about 2.11 mm thick. So nothing would fit in the slots. Fortunately I had precisely the right dremmel bit to sort the slots - you can see a half cut slot in the middle.
Of course the tabs were now too short with only a tiny amount of tab hole poking through which meant my wife got her cocktail sticks back ..... but lost some dressmaking pins :-(
Assembly did allow us to spot a few errors such as station 4 which required its slot enlarged
Also discovered that most of the interlocking tabs required trimming
There were also a few cuts missing such as this one for the cockpit seat Ooops. Easily fixed with the dremmel.
The astute boatbuilders here will note that at this stage the structure is not attached to its jig. I was really only checking fit for which the flexibility helped lot.
What was interesting to feel was that the hull is almost self jigging. The strength that appeared once the bunk assembly was in place was quite striking.
The good news is that once we have ironed out all these little errors, those who follow should be able to progress much more quickly, and with more confidence.
So we are learning some lessons about CNC. One is that for sure the CNC folk have messed about with things. For instance I got two station 2s. And some issues which had been corrected early on became magically uncorrected.
I also feel we need a different type of tab - square section like the original mirror dinghy tabs with angled wedges that could be cut from the spaces between stations. Tabs through the bottoms and topsides will also prove extremely useful, especially if hull planking is to be a single person job. I think that tolerances for tabs could also be readily increased.
Thats what I think so far. I will let you know how things progress.