No, you are not in the stupid question category, but are in the unclear asking area, Jami.
It is all very simple, really, but only when you have worked your way through it once. The problem is that until you have you are not sure which question will give the required information. I'm trying to work out if you are asking about the shape of the taper in the actual broadening of the seam, or the curve round the outside of the barrel shaped panel.
If the latter then David and Arne's answer about an arc of a circle from the luff corner to 70% chord point, with maximum height at the 35% chord point, followed by a straight line tangent from the leach corner to the arc is one that I have used and found good enough for amateur work, though will admit that I modify it as I have been playing with airfoil sections since the 1950's.
If the problem is with the curvature of the broadening of the seam then I suggest you read Tip 4 on page 49 of my notes. I know it's not well written but it should lead you to a shape that is a bit like the shape of a golf tee, flaring more rapidly as it approaches the edge.
Incidentally, I used the idea in Tip 5 for the 'seamless broadseam' on the last sail for Amiina and it gave a very good shape. However is was a bit fiddly to do, and I guess I would consider trying an angled shelf foot construction for my next small main sail panel with only one seam.
If this does not give the answer, try again, and we'll get there yet.
Cheers, Slieve.