Hi Jami,
No, it's not a silly question. And I hope this is not a silly answer.
Faced with the same sort of problem some years back, and realising that it was a question that would have to be answered many times I tried to write a spreadsheet to do the necessary work for me, and although not necessarily perfect the result has given satisfactory answers. I still use it for all sails. It gives answers which are very similar to Arne's method for the amount of round required.
If you look in my files on the website section - Junk Information, - Public Domain files by-, you will find -
C and SJ Appendix 3 12-05-12a.pdf
Universal Round and Broadseam Calculator.xls
The results require the broadseam to be split over at least two seams, or semi-seams, and placed well forward in the panel.
There is more information on page 12 and page 19 of C and SJ P1-22 12-03-17c.pdf
Have a look, and come back if you have any problems with it.
Meanwhile, may I Wish you all a Merry Christmas and and Happy New Year,
Cheers, Slieve.