Catamaran Bridge Deck Question

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  • 17 Dec 2017 18:14
    Reply # 5631534 on 5627344

    Dear fellow Junk rig enthusiasts, 

    I think it is safe  to say that this thread is now officially off topic.  If you have a comment regarding the placement of masts for Junk rigs on catamarans I  would be most interested but I am not soliciting personal boat  recommendations or opinions  on my suitability to sail the ideal catamaran. 

    Thank you,


  • 17 Dec 2017 15:48
    Reply # 5631421 on 5627344

    Brian,  if Oryx is within you budget, I thinks she would be perfect.  I visited Pete just before she was complete, such a lovely boat and far from spartan.  If you require any more than she can cope with, a catamaran is not for you.

  • 16 Dec 2017 21:33
    Reply # 5630944 on 5630360
    Brian Swanland wrote:


      Oryx is a beautiful boat but it is a bit  Spartan  for me.  I need lots of solar  power and  luxuries.   By the time I  got through with it  I'm sure it wouldn't sail  so  well.


    Need?  I am sure that Oryx has all the necessities on board.

    Believe me, the best way to turn a cat into a dog, especially a cat with slim hulls, is to load it down with all the 'comforts' of life ashore.  Solar panels create heaps of windage; all the goodies add loads of weight.  Just look at the 'condomarans' wallowing across the Pacific to New Zealand if you want to see what adding so much stuff does to their performance.  And these are 'cruising' catamarans, that are supposedly designed to carry all this gear. 

    If you are after a floating apartment, I would suggest choosing a design meant for this rather than for performance, to save yourself a lot of disappointment (and, incidentally, to save the structure from stresses put on it by adding so much to the displacement).

    Last modified: 16 Dec 2017 21:34 | Anonymous member
  • 16 Dec 2017 06:43
    Reply # 5630549 on 5629271
    Brian Swanland wrote:

      That's pretty scary.  Do  you have any experience  the  Latitude  8?  I will definitely hire a surveyor.  Appreciate the heads-up.


    Sorry Brian no, but I have worked on boats from two different Thai yards and both had problems with the layup and used far to much cheap filler to fair. If the boat is in Thailand, then also be very careful about selecting a surveyor as corruption is rife and most surveyors seem to be in the pay of the brokers. One of my clients found this out the hard way. Only safe way is to fly your own surveyor in. I've done this for a client... my report and that of the broker... well it was two different boats! Of course the Latitude may be okay but be very careful and cautious.
  • 15 Dec 2017 20:38
    Reply # 5630076 on 5628642
    On the other hand, why don't you just buy Oryx and save yourself all this grief?  If you asked nicely, Pete would probably deliver her, too!  And you would know for certain that she can be sailed single-handed.
  • 15 Dec 2017 20:36
    Reply # 5630073 on 5628642
    Brian Swanland wrote:


    That is very encouraging thank you. I wonder if you have  any pictures or  drawings of the below deck arrangement of the tabernacle on China Moon so that I  can get an idea of  how  it was done?  I may go with  the biplane  arrangement if I don't  have to sacrifice  access to  the  forward cabins. 


    If you ask her present owner, Simon Fraser, I'm sure he could send you a couple of photos.
  • 15 Dec 2017 13:17
    Reply # 5629556 on 5627344

    Brian, hope she a good one and you go ahead, it would be great to see her with a single Aero-junk rig.  If the mast in its present location is too far aft, you can also adjust the balance by adding skegs at the stern.

  • 15 Dec 2017 01:00
    Reply # 5629063 on 5629038
    Brian Swanland wrote:

    Having this option makes the purchase of the boat less of a risk that I might wind up with a boat that I can't single hand

    Just be aware that Thai boats are often very shoddily built. I'm busy repairing a Thai built boat right now. Lots of low quality fairing that is also very thick and cracks easily coupled with voids and dry spots in the laminate.

  • 15 Dec 2017 00:22
    Reply # 5629038 on 5627344


    Wow,thanks.  That rig makes the boat look really cool, hybrid between East and West, perfect for my planned cruising grounds.  It gives me a lot to think about.  Having this option makes the purchase of the boat less of a risk that I might wind up with a boat that I can't single hand.  Appreciate your help!


  • 14 Dec 2017 23:47
    Reply # 5629015 on 5627344
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    now I have had a shot at drawing a JR mainsail for that cat. The resulting 8-panel sail turned out to be more than big enough, but the mast also gets very high. I would rather suggest using only seven panels, which is big enough and brings the mast height down to 12m. Remember, on a JR there is no way one can fit lower shrouds. Still, with the wide possible staying angle on a cat, and a LAP of just over 10m, it should be possible without ending up with a too heavy mast section. I am not sure of the engineering necessary to handle poles under compression, so I hope others will step in here.

    My thinking is that this hybrid rig, with a cambered panel junk sail as the main, will by far be the easiest and least risky rig to make. You still get the very easy reefing of the JR, almost the same SA as the BR, and that with 2.5m shorter mast. With the modest jib on a roll, you will have a handy rig.



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