Tilapia 6.50 conversion to Junk rig

  • 25 Oct 2017 11:52
    Reply # 5346402 on 5336744
    Annie Hill wrote:

    On reason why most people go the DIY route to converting boats is because of the expense.  Now that second-hand boats, particularly small ones, sell for relatively little money, it is hard to justify spending a lot on them, unless you intend to keep it 'forever'.

    Therefore, it may well make sense to buy.  The Freedom ketch will probably sail very well.  The Virgo I suspect, less so, being short and wide with twin keels.  Either would be good for your harbours around Brittany (I think the Freedom has a centreboard).
    Lorenzo the moderator of the French "voiles-alternatives" website : http://www.voiles-alternatives.com/index.php?sid=9424264fc9a8d6f8a778c4a416178742 is rebuilding a Freedom.


  • 25 Oct 2017 11:44
    Reply # 5346322 on 5261047
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi Eric and Claude

    If you have to write in French, why don't you just write ordinary e-mails to each others?


  • 25 Oct 2017 11:18
    Reply # 5346104 on 5334743

    As I have to go to Brest next week , I shall certainly go to le Port du Chateau and look for these 2 junk rig boats.

    Petit aparté en français : comme tu indiques posséder Ming Ming, je suppose qu'il s'agit de Ming Ming 1 et que tu serais donc le traducteur des ouvrages de Roger Taylor. Est-ce  le cas ? C'est en fait en voyant la série de videos You Tube de Ming Ming II que l'idée m'est venue de transformer mon Tilapia Ar Vag melen. Le fonctionnement de son gréement actuel est tellement insatisfaisant que je ne m'en sers quasiment plus et c'est bien dommage. Merci de tes suggestions car je me pose des questions sur l'opportunité de la transformation envisagée qui suscite de fortes oppositions de principe insuffisamment argumentées pour me ramener tout de suite dans le rang. Une opinion ?



    Oui, c'est moi ! (yes i'm Roger Tailor's co-translater to French!). Nous nous sommes rencontré au départ du premier Jester Challenge (We met at the start of the first Jester Challenge).

    J'avais aussi commencé à traduire Practical Junk Rig mais j'ai abandonné le projet. (I also started the translation of PJR, but I cancelled the project for personal reasons. )

    Un Junket a été organisé au port du Chateau en 2015: https://jra.wildapricot.org/general_forum/3352193 (A junket was organized in Brest in 2015)

    Mon opinion à chaud, c'est qu'un changement de gréement ne rectifiera pas un mât trop lourd et trop avancé avec un manque de volume à l'étrave. Il faudrait réduire fortement la hauteur du mât.   (My opinion, but I dont have all the elements, is that a mast too heavy too much forward will remain too heavy and too much forward independantly of the rigging. An other way to say it would be a lax of boyancy at the bow. A way to solve the problem would be to shorten the mast drastically.

    Une autre voie serait d'essayer une aile de jonque. Cela résoudrait les problèmes d'interaction de la voile et du mât. Le mât serait emprisonné dans la voile. (An other complementary option would be to experiment a Junkwing. It would solve the issue of mast to sail jamming. The mast would be kept inside the wingsail.)


  • 24 Oct 2017 21:26
    Reply # 5336744 on 5334743
    Claude L'Honnen wrote:The idea of Eric to have the conversion made in England, with the benefit of a low £, then led me to have a look on internet and I found plenty junk rigged boat for sale at good (Virgo 23' boat for about 6 000 £) or reasonable prices (for instance a 28 Freedom ketch at 12 000 £ at Sunbird Marine). Is it then worth to keep on going with my Tilapia conversion project ?

    I am now puzzled ...


    On reason why most people go the DIY route to converting boats is because of the expense.  Now that second-hand boats, particularly small ones, sell for relatively little money, it is hard to justify spending a lot on them, unless you intend to keep it 'forever'.

    Therefore, it may well make sense to buy.  The Freedom ketch will probably sail very well.  The Virgo I suspect, less so, being short and wide with twin keels.  Either would be good for your harbours around Brittany (I think the Freedom has a centreboard).
  • 24 Oct 2017 11:44
    Reply # 5334743 on 5332548
    Deleted user

    David Tyler wrote:


    When our webmaster has fixed this page:


    I suggest that you find someone to give you a familiarisation sail, so that you gain some hands-on experience. This will answer at least some of your questions. 

    Thank's for the idea, I found one adress nearby in Arzal and I shall get in touch with this JRA member

    Eric Andlauer wrote:

    There are, at least, two junk rig boat at Brest "Port du Chateau" and one on the Rance close to St Malo. There is also a Coromandel (member of the JRA) in the Golf du Morbihan but one year ago she was not sailing and neaded some refit.

    As I have to go to Brest next week , I shall certainly go to le Port du Chateau and look for these 2 junk rig boats.

    Petit aparté en français : comme tu indiques posséder Ming Ming, je suppose qu'il s'agit de Ming Ming 1 et que tu serais donc le traducteur des ouvrages de Roger Taylor. Est-ce  le cas ? C'est en fait en voyant la série de videos You Tube de Ming Ming II que l'idée m'est venue de transformer mon Tilapia Ar Vag melen. Le fonctionnement de son gréement actuel est tellement insatisfaisant que je ne m'en sers quasiment plus et c'est bien dommage. Merci de tes suggestions car je me pose des questions sur l'opportunité de la transformation envisagée qui suscite de fortes oppositions de principe insuffisamment argumentées pour me ramener tout de suite dans le rang. Une opinion ?


    PS : Il était aussi dans mes intentions d'adopter le principe (dit HHH ?) des panneaux inférieurs indépendants comme sur Ming Ming 2 mais j'ai le sentiment que cela pourrait achever mes intelocuteurs. Qu'en penses tu ?

    Sorry for this french aparte but there are so few french JRA members ! Eric does confirm I may not find  any boatyard or sailmaker with a sufficent knowledge in France 

    The idea of Eric to have the conversion made in England, with the benefit of a low £, then led me to have a look on internet and I found plenty junk rigged boat for sale at good (Virgo 23' boat for about 6 000 £) or reasonable prices (for instance a 28 Freedom ketch at 12 000 £ at Sunbird Marine). Is it then worth to keep on going with my Tilapia conversion project ?

    I am now puzzled ...


  • 23 Oct 2017 15:25
    Reply # 5332548 on 5330785
    Claude L'Honnen wrote:
    David Tyler wrote:


    When our webmaster has fixed this page:


    I suggest that you find someone to give you a familiarisation sail, so that you gain some hands-on experience. This will answer at least some of your questions. 

    Where in Brittany or in France ?


    There are, at least, two junk rig boat at Brest "Port du Chateau" and one on the Rance close to St Malo. There is also a Coromandel (member of the JRA) in the Golf du Morbihan but one year ago she was not sailing and neaded some refit.

    I own Mingming but, for personal reason, I postpone my trial (flexible junk wing) for a while and she is in a shed near Le Mans. She will not touch water before spring, I'm afraid.

    For the Jungrig transformation, as far as i know, there are not a single boatyard or any sailmaker with the knowledge in France.  I would suggest you to take advantage of the low £ and have the job done on the other side of the Chanel. A French friend did so, but he lives in Normandie.


    PS : My Email and phone are in my profile.

  • 23 Oct 2017 07:53
    Reply # 5331683 on 5261047

    Postion of the mast of your boat could be a bit of an issue Claude.

    Putting the mast straight up will be quite a challenge.

    You might have to move it.

    Your best bet would be a tabernacle on deck or you would lose the uncluttered  cabin layout you now have.

    Fairly complex project I would think.

    And you now have all desirable features junkrig offers too.

    I can see why you find a junkrig attractive and every person deserves a challenge. Time for some serious pondering of pros and cons I would think.

  • 22 Oct 2017 22:51
    Reply # 5330785 on 5330218
    Deleted user
    David Tyler wrote:


    When our webmaster has fixed this page:


    I suggest that you find someone to give you a familiarisation sail, so that you gain some hands-on experience. This will answer at least some of your questions. 

    Where in Brittany or in France ?
  • 22 Oct 2017 22:19
    Reply # 5330218 on 5261047


    When our webmaster has fixed this page:


    I suggest that you find someone to give you a familiarisation sail, so that you gain some hands-on experience. This will answer at least some of your questions. 

  • 22 Oct 2017 21:07
    Reply # 5329025 on 5261047
    Deleted user

    Hi all of you,

    I read in PJR that "to be preoccupied by theory is often a sign of inexperience, and a reason for not gaining more experience".

    I certainly do not have any experience of junk rigs and I may be too preoccupied by theory.

    However I think I should not be suspected of not being able to go ahead with the whole project as you suggested twice Arne.

    Concerning my animations, Annie,  "a resource that most of us do not have access to ", they are easy to make : Delftship (a freeware to model boat and sail) ,  a few screenshots copied in Gimp (another freeware) , and export to Microsoft Gif animator (a freeware) . I understand you are known for your book "Voyaging on a small income ".

    I hope you did not mean JRA website and its technical forum is a DIY site only for low-income people.

    I have never written I intended to make myself Ar Vag melen conversion to junk rig.

    I just said junk rig questions are just about unknown in France which explained I needed help for this conversion of Ar Vag melen.

    I shall have to explain to a local sailmaker the reasons for the unusual sail he has to build, to a local boatyard why should he cut the mast and have a mast crane being made as suggested by PJR, how he should rig this new mast ...

    Suggesting I should make a scale model is just presently of no help. Which sail model ?

    Until a sound sail  project has been designed, what will a scale model be worth ?

    Before the Tilapia, I had an ETAP 26 with a classical Marconi rig. It was equipped with lazyjacks and a downhaul sail rope. I then may measure how "stagger" theoretical PJR compass evaluations are far from reality as with a 200g/m2 Dacron sail the reefed bundle has just nothing to do with what is theoritically supposed to be. A model wont help, flexibility of the textile or plastic model sail, weight of model battens, ropes and blocks sizes ... being so different.

    No scale experiment may be useful until theoritical issues have been fully investigated. Nasa certainly did not send men to moon  until having thought they had solved most, if not all, theoretical problems.

    For this purpose I shall have a close look to David last statement that "mast hoops or parrel beads are not going to work here - the sail is going to need to swing forwards as it comes down".

    Another statement I do not immediately understand just as this question of a differnece of friction between short and long batten parrels.


       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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